Think Of These As A Collection Of Alternative Queens Speeches!
First of all on behalf of our amazing admin Jonny and the rest of the EcigClick team can I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Phew – what a year this has been for vaping and vapers!
They thought they’d got rid of us – but we’re still here and even the UK politicians are backing us!
We’ll have a look back at the year in vaping next week but until then here’s a collection of Christmas messages from the team at EcigClick and a few vape famous folk who took the time out from their busy schedules to join in – thank you all!
As I said think of these as an alternative to the Queen’s Speech 😉
Have a cloudy Christmas guys and gals!
Mark AKA The Vaping Postman
Straight talking TVP was the first name that popped into my head when I thought about doing a selection of alternate ‘Queens Speeches’ *sniggers*
Seriously though – lol – I had the pleasure of meeting Mark at Vaper Expo the Return and what a genuinely nice bloke he is – superb vape reviewer too.
Now who’d have thought behind that blunt t’Northern exterior lay the heart of a modern day Wordsworth!
So after reading his poem do checkout and subscribe to his fast growing [and rightly so] YouTube channel The Vaping Postman now 😉
TVP’s 2017 in Vaping
2017 the year of the squonkers
sent all us vapers absolutely bonkers
mech boxes galore with their glorious holes
and atties to match, fulfilling our goalsnew RTA’s, is single coil king?
or is the dual coil, still the in thing
reviewers are making new RDA’s
some of them shit, and some we heap praisenew juice all the time, fuck the TPD
vapers find a way, i can guarantee
now we have shortfills with poxy topcaps
when we fill our tanks, 50ml over our laps
vaper expo’s, and grown men in snapbacks
the freeshit army, are ready to attack!
we had instagram models like pandora blue
flashing her boobs, in her knickers a horseshoethen we have youtube, reviewers a plenty
for everyone you watch, there’s at least another twenty
fighting for views, and peoples subscribe
some are awesome, and some spew diatribeso from cotton to coils, and juice to hardware
2018 you better beware
cos vapers are growing, an army we build
more of the same china, and we will be thrilled.
TVP’s Christmas Message
Seriously guy’s, I want to say a massive thank you to every single vaper and manufacturer for a smashing year, we have had some great innovation, some awesome hardware, epic juice and accessories.
Sure we always have some drama but where would vapers be without some drama and infighting, it’s par for the course LOL….
My little channel has gone from strength to strength with more and more companies backing TVP this year and to them I say thank-you.
Also want to say a massive thank-you to the TVPARMY, you guy’s absolutely rock….
Hope you all have/had a top Christmas and a banging new year…….oh and 2018?
Michelle – EcigClick Reviewer
Michelle joined the EcigClick team – it’s more like a family actually lol – earlier this year and has shone as a reviewer.
Her technical writing background shines through her reviews and her own personal vaping journey has been both fascinating and fantastic to watch.
It’s fair to say it’s not been a great year for her as she says below – however she is a little shining star among vape reviewers and is fantastic to work with.
Let’s hope 2018 is a better one for you 😉
OK let’s hear from our own vaping Mother Christmas.
Michelle’s Christmas Message
Well I started reviewing on Ecigclick in 2017 and my new vaping journey began!
I have found my love for vaping again!I have had an Annus Horribilis (No it’s nothing to do with a bottom condition) and I have found it so helpful to sit and review vaping gear and escape from the horrible stuff going on.
There have been some massive innovations and some excellent new products for every sector of the Vaping market.
Thank you to Ecigclick for letting me join their lovely, friendly and knowledgeable team. Plus thank you to all of those who read the drivel I write and like, comment and share!
I am proud to be part of a team where we are allowed to say what we think – even if it is negative – as long as we explain why we think that. I am very grateful that
I have that freedom – I would find it difficult to be made to say good things about something I hated!Most of all keep vaping, keep away from tobacco and keep having fun!
Oh and a dog isn’t for Xmas OK – get down your local animal rescue and share some love with some beautiful furries!
Love to you all and a very merry Christmas from Shelly, Squirty and Goolies xxx
Laura-ann Burgess – EcigClick Writer and Reviewer
Laura-ann hails from the wild and beautiful rainbow nation of South Africa and adds a spicy international flavour to our team.
Her in-depth hard hitting reviews are crafted like a rainbow – they’re colourful and cover the full spectrum of what’s in front of her – wart’s ‘n all!
And trust me she’s a no nonsense lady who takes no prisoners when she finds even the slightest issue!
One of the best written reviewers you’re likely to find on the vape scene and if a device gets the Laura-ann seal of approval – get your wallets out it’s gonna be a good one 🙂
A Christmas Message From Laura-ann
Wishing all the beautiful vapers and soon-to-be vapers out there a whole new year of clouds, flavour, love and laughs.Looking back on this year in vaping, it’s such a blessing to be a part of this vibrant industry and I’m so proud to call myself a vaper.
It seems everyone involved in the vape world is truly making an effort to do business differently, to do it better.
As an example, here in SA where pockets are somewhat tight, there’s a thriving gear swapping and second hand vape selling community online, one of the groups I keep an eye on is IAVA on Facebook, it’s a platform for vapers in need to get good gear from fam when budgets are low and advice from friends in the process.
Every now and then an empty-juice bottle post cry will come along (especially a week or so before pay day) and it’s so fun to read the 100’s of responses that always flow in.
Every second juice brand will send the poor guy a free-hamper, 10’s of vapers will offer up their unused juices, some even offering to courier the yummies free of charge, and by the end of the day, the guy who posted the call out will have a cupboard full of juice and the same short change in his wallet…unbelievable.
I’ve never seen another industry where the public and brands alike show such fellowship, kindness and a true willingness to share expertise, laughs and even JUICE when there’s a vaper in need and it makes me so proud. I’ve seen this sense of community all over the world, people making friends and real relationships through vaping and it’s beautiful that not only are we saving lives, we’re saving hearts to.
Let’s keep it up, make the circle bigger, spread the love and spread the world, show future generations that there is such a thing as ethical trade (unlike the good old Tobacco industry) with real people at its core, with healthy lungs and the smell of cookie dough in the air.
Let’s keep up the VapeFam spirit and prove that health-consciousness and open heartedness go hand in hand.
All my love, Merry X-mas and Happy New Year to you all!
Kevin Jeffrey the Worthing Vaper
Kevin has the most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard and you really can’t help chuckle along with his fantastic YouTube vape reviews.
Here’s no slouch in the written reviews either – they’re packed full of information and are both honest and detailed.
He’s become a good mate on FB too and he really his the epitome of a family man.
And despite his family commitments and vape reviews he’s also a bit of a fitness freak as you’ll see from his photo – buff or what!
[calm down ladies lol]
In all seriousness Kevin is a lovely bloke – an extremely knowledgeable and superb vape reviewer – in fact he’s an all round good egg…*wipes away a tear*.
Kevin’s Christmas Message
Neil has asked me to say a few words this Christmas season! Thanks a lot buddy! I’d normally say my usual bah humbug, forget it dude and move on with my day! But believe it or not this old Grinch secretly loves the festive season (you tell anyone and I’ll have to kill you all lol) no it’s not the booze nor the food it’s the look of sheer joy on my boys face Christmas morning when he comes down stairs and see’s the amount of presents that Santa has left for him.
I thought I’d start with a few words about respect, there are so many things going on, on this little planet that respect for our fellow man seems such an insignificant thing to some! Vaping is a perfect example –
So a guy walks into a pub on Christmas evening and pulls out his new Tornado NX e-cig starter kit his Mrs gave him that morning all shiny and new and takes a toot, the guy behind the bar says “hey, you can’t use that thing in here!” The guy says “no it’s alright i’m not smoking its vapour.” The barman pulls out his VooPoo DRAG Box and says “that’s not vapour, this is vapour.”
The moral I like to think is behind the above is it doesn’t matter what you vape on this Christmas or at any other time of year, be respectful of those that are just starting their vaping journey, we all had to start somewhere, giving up the stinkies is the most worthy of goals any smoker can have!
Normally at this time of year my family will all gather at my parents house for the big day but the last few years have taken its toll from bereavements to mental health to outright hostility between extended members, so this year I am anticipating a quite time with just my wife and son don’t feel bad, I’m going to enjoy a day of eating, drinking and being merry with those that matter and maybe enjoy a vape or two.
To all our readers wishing you all season’s greetings and a very happy and prosperous new year in 2018
To all the ecigclick reviewers and team members, thank you all for such interesting reads this last year I am looking forward to reading more from you all in 2018.
Bah Humbug
Kevin – WorthingVaper.
Me – Neil H EcigClick Resident Miserable Old Bloke 😉
I shall be glad to see the back of 2017 – definitely one of the worst ones I’ve ever endured lol.
What could have gone wrong – did and not once or twice but seemingly on and on lol – *shudders* 🙂
However without my son Harry and our amazing admin Jonny and his wonderful partner Carl – ooops sorry I mean Carla lol – I doubt very much and in all seriousness I’d have got through it.
You guys all ready know Jonny responds thoroughly to every single comment on the site – no matter how detailed the question – he cares – it’s that simple.
[and with me he’s had the patience of a saint lol]
He’s exactly the same with the team here and this year he has been quite simply incredible to me.
Understanding – generous and his wit and kindness has brought many a smile to my often miserable face – so thank you mate very much indeed.
He’s the spirit of Christmas every day of the week and I’m genuinely proud to call him a friend.
OK enough of the gushing lol – have a great Christmas everyone and let’s hope 2018 is a spectacular one for us all.
Jonny – Ecigclick Admin
To wrap this up, I (Jonny here.. This is getting confusing!) just want to say a big thanks to everyone on the Ecigclick team for giving their own insight into the myriad of products being released on a weekly basis!
It’s hard to keep up with the speed at which the industry moves for seasoned vapers so I can’t imagine what new vapers must think when they decide to make the switch! Hopefully we have helped in some way here at Ecigclick.
So.. A BIG BIG thank you to the following ladies and gents that I’ve had the pleasure of working with this year! A truly great bunch of folk!
Neil – A top guy and amazing writer to boot, we are very lucky to have him as our roving vape reporter! Neil brings us the all important coverage of whats going on in the vaping world, reviews and interviews with the folk that make the industry tick, his way of putting words onto the screen always has me looking forward to the next installment.
But.. it has to be his reviews that have me cringing chuckling the most. From his no hold barred e-liquid reviews to the bell end tank that is the Nautilus 2, very funny stuff.
Read Neil’s reviews and news here
Laura-Ann – A new addition to the Ecigclick review team in 2017. Hailing from South Africa LA genuinely loves vaping and is our resident fan of mods on steroids and cloud chucking atties. Amazing detailed reviews plus a no shit attitude when needed (just ask DHL South Africa), you can check out what she has covered in 2017 below:
Dean – AKA The Devil Vaper – Delighted to work with Dean, his video reviews are amongst the best I’ve seen out there, he’s always a first port of call for me looking for product reviews. I can see his channel really taking off this year, in fact, I can’t believe he hasn’t got more subscribers than he currently does!
If you haven’t seen Deans reviews yet you’re missing out and be sure to get involved with #askthedevil vlogs where he will answer literally anything! A must watch.. 🙂 – Check them out and subscribe here:
The Devil Vaper YouTube Channel
The Devil Vapers Written Ecigclick Reviews
Kevin – AKA The Worthing Vaper – Our very own Chippendale and one of the nicest guys in vaping. Kevin’s been vaping since the early days of e cigs and currently has a whopping 270+ vaping videos up on his channel! I have it on good authority that 2018 is the year Kevin’s branching out into topless vape video reviews. Subscribe below.
The Worthing Vaper Youtube Channel
Kevin’s Written Ecigclick Reviews
Michelle – Newest member of the team and one of the most enthusiastic to boot. Shell doesn’t mince her words and really doesn’t like those Ultem drip tips! Another reviewer I look forward to every-time a new review hits the drafts, we even got her trying Iron Bru for the first time ever in 2017 🙂 Mental note to self: Stop sending Shell atties with piss coloured mouthpieces.
Mike Murphy – Last but not least is Mike who joined us in 2016, always on hand to offer advice to all levels of vaper, Mike is seasoned vaper though knows his stuff.
Ecigclick Readers – Last but certainly not least a big thank you to all the vapers that have paid a visit to Ecigclick and read our news, reviews and guides. We hope, in some way, we have helped you on your vaping journey and look forward to seeing you guys again in 2018!
Merry Xmas!
I LOVED reading this! Great job Neil!😘
I loved reading all your Christmas messages, what an awesome team of people!
Great work everyone. I always love reading all your reviews/articles! Always my first place to stop by when I’m wanting to know what’s ‘hot’ and what’s ‘not’ in the world of vape! 🙂
I feel the same as Michelle and totally want to make out with and passionately snog this article, good job, Neil and it always helps to stroke our egos a bit. Hahaha! Love all you guys too much and Michelle…it’s only a matter of time before you’re compulsively 200 watt-ing in your sleep like me, so watch out.
To Jonny, thanks for putting up with my eternal info-technology dilemmas and for allowing me to rant when I need to and enjoy all these bloody awesome things you send me, it’s been Christmas all year for me, no presents necessary now! Oh and PS…I’ll sort those customs ‘officials’ out yet, if it’s the last thing I do…XXXXX
Hahahaha we are in the best team ever!
Yep you are right in the last 6 months I have gone from 9W to 60W now !
Merry Christmas my fellow Vape Maiden! xx
Wish there was a “Love” button to click (actually that sounds rude sorry!)
You guys!
Im all warm and fuzzy now – thank you all for your lovely kind words and it is a pleasure and an honour to be part of such a team.
The people on Ecigclick are kind, generous, very honest and lovely people.
Thank you for such a lovely welcome!
Lots of loves
Shell xxxxxxx