dinner lady vape pens deal

Now here’s a cracking vape deal – x3 of the flavoursome Dinner Lady Vape Pens for just twelve quid!

These disposable dead simple to use vape pens are ideal for the smoker ready to quit or established vapers looking for a quick ‘hit‘ whilst out and about.

I’ve reviewed these and can honestly say they really are ideal for all level of vaper.

OK, there’s x9 of the award winning Dinner Lady flavoured e-liquids to choose from including the unbelievably popular Lemon Tart.

Each one contains a whopping 20mg of nicotine and each is filled with 1.5mls of tasty vape juice.

No code required – just choose your flavours and check out!

Whats the Deal?

  • No code required
  • See website for more details
  • UK / EU and USA shipping

UK/EU and USA Shipping

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Ecigclick covers all the latest in vaping. The team have a combined vaping experience of over 70 years. We have personally tried and tested over 2000 vape products and aim to help you choose the right vape for your needs, whether you are a beginner or looking for a more advanced experience.


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