White Cloud Premium e-liquid is from a US company who offer starter vape kits mainly aimed at smokers who are wanting to give up the ciggies.

They have a huge following and lots of loyal customers and after our recent ZFG starter kit and Fling Wide Mini reviews we can see why.

The 20+ flavours of White Cloud’s premium e-liquid are available in 30 ml bottles in 6 different nicotine strengths – including a 0% nicotine and going up to an incredible 5.4% nicotine. I feel quite dizzy just thinking about 5.4% as someone who uses 1.2% regularly!

Looking at the E-Liquid on offer on the White Cloud website the ingredients listed are PG and VG (but no proportions given), nicotine and flavour.

What’s In The Box

Each White Cloud e liquid bottle have a beautiful black box with a magnetic catch and the label on the outside. I have to admit I thought the packaging was gorgeous and was already thinking how useful these boxes will be for storing things afterwards!

Each liquid comes in what appears to be a glass bottle with a dripper lid.

The devices I used for reviewing these liquids were the Eleaf iCare 2 and the Aspire Nautilus 2 on an iStick Pico Dual. Flavour can be down to individual preference and can also depend on device, wattage, coil resistance and wicking material – so I can only review the performance on the equipment I have available.

However I am also reviewing the White Cloud Fling Wide mini disposable and ZFG starter kit from White Cloud with the same liquid in so they may perform differently in those devices.

Four Flavours in 0% nicotine strength were sent to me for reviewing – so tank cleaned, coil changed and let’s get stuck in and see if they can land our best vape juice list! Yum!

Atlantic Cut

White Cloud says…

“Take vaping to the next level with this complex e-cig flavor. With the bold taste of classic tobacco infused with subtle notes of sweet maple, fresh apple and aged-rye whisky, White Cloud’s Atlantic-Cut flavor is truly one-of-a-kind.”

I say…

Opening the bottle the smell did remind me of the tobacco liquids I didn’t like which smell and taste chemically to me.

However once in the tank it wasn’t like that at all –phew!! That makes me very happy! It’s a very subtle taste and not strong or overpowering.

Imagine the smell you get walking past someone who has a massive glass of brandy and they are smoking a cigar – I think this is the taste of that!

Not quite cigarette like but not really synthetic or chemical tasting either.

It’s subtle enough to be something you could vape all day without it becoming sickly. In fact as this is 0% nicotine I have been pretty much chain vaping this tank full and not hating the flavour at all! It has quite a muted flavour in your mouth however when you exhale the smell of the vapour makes it taste stronger – if that makes any sense?!

The Orchard

White Cloud says…

“The Orchard combines the tartness of the cranberry and the sweet, crispness of apple for a refreshingly fruity vaping experience. One vape of this fruit-filled e-liquid and it will become a mainstay in your tank.”

I say….

As expected – when you open the bottle a lovely waft of spicy appleyness hits you.

I find this a really comforting flavour. Take a warm apple pie, eat all the pastry first and then scoop up the filling on your spoon. It is not as tart as fresh apple and much sweeter. It is warm and soothing – perfect winter night vaping!

This liquid is not heavily flavoured nor is it bland either. Ideal to have as an All Day Vape liquid as this won’t become sickly or over-powering after a while. The bottle I am reviewing is 0% nicotine and I am happily chain vaping away and enjoying it more as I get down the tank.

It’s only September but this liquid is making me want to grab a huge brandy and wrap Christmas presents. Perhaps put a bottle out for Santa too.

Cherry Black

White Cloud says…

Cherry Black is an expertly blended flavor that is evocative of the hugely popular traditional pipe tobacco. This fragrant e-liquid combines a distinctive and robust tobacco blend with the tart sweetness of cherry.

I say….

The delicious smell when I opened the bottle tells me this is going to be gorgeous.

This smells exactly like Play Doh (the modelling putty)! I swear! According to the UK Newspaper the Independent – Hasbro – the manufacturers of Play Doh are trying to trademark the scent for others who adore the smell! For those who have no idea what Play Doh smells like – it is a cherry and vanilla scent. I have always loved this smell. I genuinely just sat here for 5 minutes just sniffing it!

Guess what – it tastes just as lovely. This is my favourite so far – I really thought the Orchard was going to be unbeatable – but I love this Cherry Black. This just reminds me of childhood and “Refresher Chews”. The smell alone takes me back to happy care-free days and the taste is just as wonderful.

I want a few more bottles of this one I am struggling to put this down. It is beautiful – I would go so far as to say my favourite E-Liquid since I started vaping.


White Cloud says…

“Made for the adult’s inner child, this sweet flavor will send you back to a time when making a big decision meant deciding to have seconds. With the deliciousness of cinnamon cereal blended into satisfying vapor, you won’t have to think twice about having seconds, thirds, or even fourths.”

I say….

Sadly this is the one flavour I wasn’t looking forward to. I am not a cinnamon fan.

Upon opening the bottle I was greeted by the smell of biscuits! Where did that come from? That threw me a bit! Biscuits?

This tastes the same as it smells. I am vaping biscuits. Digestives to be exact.

This is very very strange.

My eyebrows hurt from holding this puzzled expression every time I inhale this.

I’m really shocked – I was imagining a strong cinnamon taste and I get digestives with a hint of coconut?

It is strangely lovely.


This liquid has won me over.

Final Verdict

Well done White Cloud – Mrs Fussy here enjoyed all 4 of your liquid flavours that you sent to me!

I find the price slightly expensive – but the glass bottles and beautiful packaging do make you feel like you have got your money’s worth.

I can’t comment on throat hit as these were all 0% nicotine strength liquids. At 12w on my device they were warm with a feeling at the back of my throat – but not quite the same you would get with the nicotine versions. There are many different strengths of this liquid available.

Again vapour is difficult to judge – this isn’t what appears to be a high VG liquid targeted at cloud chasing.  The proportions of VG and PG are not listed and vapour can vary between devices. I felt this was the vapour I was expecting – no more or no less.

The taste and aroma were spot on in my opinion. I will be using them all until they run out – and I may even purchase some of the Cherry Black myself as this is my favourite.

But remember we all have our own personal tastes so flavour reviews are a personal opinion. I don’t want you to shout at me if you dislike them!

Have you tried any of the White Cloud e liquid? Comment below with how you got on!

Shell Ecigclick Photo
Michelle Jones

I am an engineer and Technical Author by trade. My journey in vaping began around 2016, in the days of Tornado tanks, Ego batteries and Variable Voltage. It took me a few years to fully quit smoking but I finally stopped in June 2019 and that is all thanks to vaping! 20mg Nicotine Salts are my hero! Oh and I am partial to a nice pod mod and Bubblegum e-liquid! I have reported on the latest news on Ecigclick since 2017 and love being part of this great team! My passion for Tobacco Harm Reduction has also led me to becoming a Trustee for the NNA (New Nicotine Alliance) aiding in Advocacy

The Orchard
Atlantic Cut
Cherry Black
I am an engineer and Technical Author by trade. My journey in vaping began around 2016, in the days of Tornado tanks, Ego batteries and Variable Voltage. It took me a few years to fully quit smoking but I finally stopped in June 2019 and that is all thanks to vaping! 20mg Nicotine Salts are my hero! Oh and I am partial to a nice pod mod and Bubblegum e-liquid! I have reported on the latest news on Ecigclick since 2017 and love being part of this great team! My passion for Tobacco Harm Reduction has also led me to becoming a Trustee for the NNA (New Nicotine Alliance) aiding in Advocacy
white-cloud-premium-e-liquid-reviewThese liquids are slightly more expensive than average - but they do come in glass bottles and are beautifully packaged. I would happily pay the price for these liquids knowing I would use up every drop and it wouldn't be wasted. If you are not sure buy the Fling Wide Mini disposable E-cig to test the flavours and strengths. Once you find the one you like buy the liquid! A huge range of flavours and lots of nicotine strengths to choose from means there is something for everyone.


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