PG Vs VG in Vaping - What's The Difference

What Is PG & VG In E Juice?

Every morning, as I sit down to enjoy my morning’s first coffee (first of many), I thank my lucky stars for the miraculous technology that allows me to pair it with a delicious e-liquid of my choice and get the fog horns rolling like it’s wintertime…all completely self-loathing free.

I used to beat myself up during my 15+ year smoking career: the negative effects were obvious and my sense of self-preservation refused to let my conscience rest.

After vaping for a good six months, the improvement was undeniable. I’d done the research, I’d read the fine print on every bottle of e-liquid that I bought, cut down my nicotine and wham!

My conscience was clear and a bad habit had been transformed into a hobby, a guilt-free luxury and dessert any time of day at the same time.

Having lost no less than two family members to lung cancer and emphysema…smoking was a nightmare for me, it remains a nightmare for many.

By supporting vaping I’m trying to save future generations from the same.

E-liquids contain few enough ingredients for you to know exactly what you’re consuming (unlike smokes).

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and pull back the veil on those components so that you’re able to rest easy and thank your stars, like I do.

Standard Compliant E-juice Components

  • Nicotine (addictive, toxic in high doses but it’s an optional addition)
  • FDA approved Flavourants/sweeteners/colorants (not addictive, extremely small amounts, harmless when well sourced)
  • USP grade Vegetable Glycerine (not addictive, VG)
  • USP grade Propylene Glycol (not addictive, PG)

The last two components will, in some ratio, make up the bulk of your e-liquid.

They are, essentially, the bases that hold both flavour and nicotine in suspension and create the resultant vapour, through certain processes.

Depending on the ratio of these two components, you’ll experience a different vaping experience.

Different ratios will also affect the lifespan of your device, vape better with different devices and so on.

You’ll also find e-liquids containing almost 100% of either one…it’s essential you understand these components, their applications, sources, what they add to your vaping experience, their effect on your device and, of course, their potential side effects.

We will also refer to Mouth to Lung (MTL) and Direct to Lung (DTL & the style of vaping for sub ohm vaping). If you don’t know the difference you can read more in the below guide.

MTL vs DTL Guide – What’s the difference?

Let’s get started.

Propylene Glycol (Molecular Formula – C3H8O2)

Synthesis Appearance and Alternative Applications:

PG - Propylene Glycol VapingPropylene Glycol is a synthetic, organic compound. It is viscous, colourless, odourless and has a very faint sweet taste.

Because it’s a humectant, emulsifier, preservative and a solvent, it is added to a number of products such as food and tobacco, medicines (topical, oral, intravenous) as a base and to prevent dehydration.

  • You’ll find it in almost every product in your bathroom cabinet and possibly your kitchen too.
  • It’s used as a solvent in fragrances, it’s the main component in deodorant sticks.
  • It’s a cooling agent.
  • It’s used in safe antifreeze. But is not ‘anti-freeze’ as many have stated in the past.
  • It’s been used as a humectant and solvent in asthma inhalers since the 1950’s, although in that case it hasn’t been heated and will be less likely to irritate.

In fact, it’s applications are far too numerous to list.

How PG Differs From VG In Vaping:

Consistency and flavour

PG is thinner and less sweet. In fact…it will hardly contribute any sweetness to the taste of your e-juice.

Because it’s thinner, it requires less steeping, it holds particles (flavour/colour) in suspension easier and is a more effective solvent.

This is why home mixers might add a small amount of PG, even if they prefer a high VG vape.

Devices and vape styles:

Because of it consistency, it won’t be as hard on your coils and is definitely more suitable for low wattage devices such as standard vape pen style e-cigs and light, plus-ohm vaping.

However, because its less sweet than VG, manufacturers will often add sweeteners to a high PG juice so be aware.

Standard clearomisers and even the more advanced mouth to lung type tanks, will perform better with a an equal or higher PG ratio.

These e cig tanks are generally ‘plus-ohm’ devices, meaning that the coil resistance will be above 1.0Ohm. If you try and use a high PG eliquid with a sub ohm tank you may find you get a lot of leaking.

This is due to both PG being a thinner consistency and the larger coils on sub ohm tank wicking the ejuice too fast.

  • PG 50/VG 50 – This is one of the better performers for tanks such as the Endura T18, T20, Endura T22 and Aspire K2. Not limited to these of course, it goes for all devices that are similar. This will produce good flavour and decent vapour production.
  • PG 40/VG 60 – This ratio is a popular one and will work fine in the above as well as the latest MTL e cig tanks such as the Aspire Nautilus 2.

You will also be OK with a higher PG ratio but most e juice brands today produce a minimum of 50PG/50VG. You can check out some of our recommended ejuice brands here.

The throat hit provided may be favourable for cigarette quitters but there’s more to it than that, see the side effects section.

The vapour it produces dissipates far quicker than VG, almost instantaneously, therefore the lung feel is far less rich and satisfying and the vapour production far lower.

PG is totally unsuitable for cloud chasing so don’t bother if that’s the effect you are looking for.

Side Effects And Safety:

You’ll find Propylene Glycol in just about every synthetic or processed consumable in your home and while it is regarded as safe by the FDA, there are certain concerns for users.

While it’s unlikely you’ll be allergic, you may still be sensitive or intolerant to PG and may experience any one of a long list of effects.

There have been claims that PG converts into a class 2B carcinogen (Propylene Oxide) at higher temps, we believe these claims to be largely propaganda: check out this link to learn why.


While a humectant will prevent dehydration in foodstuffs and other produce, when inhaled through a vaping device, it has the opposite effect.

It draws out water through your lungs, mouth, salivary glands and wherever it passes. In other words, part of the vapour you see on exhale is your body’s own moisture, being expelled through the effect of this humectant.

It’s perfectly safe, provided you stay hydrated by drinking lots of extra water.

Allergen, pulmonary and general Irritant

Those with an actual allergy to PG will experience a burning, itching, stinging or rash when PG makes skin contact so it’s important that you check this.

Side effects in allergic, sensitive or intolerant vapers will result in one of the following…

  • itching
  • tinnitus
  • throat itch, dryness or pain (what some consider to be a favourable throat hit, is in fact a minor throat irritation)
  • cough
  • chest tightening (particularly in asthmatics)
  • rashes, hives, pimples
  • burning/stinging eyes and nose

Disinfectant and Antibacterial Properties:

In other words, PG could help you guard agains infections in the mouth, throat, lungs and bronchial tracts and it’s quite harmless, provided you are tolerant.

Vegetable Glycerine (C3H8O3)

Synthesis Appearance and Alternative Applications:

VG Vegetable GlycerinVegetable Glycerine or Glycerol is a viscous, colourless, odourless liquid that has a delicious sweet flavour and is completely non-toxic.

It’s an organic plant oil derivative (palm, coconut, soy etc.) that is extracted via hydrolysis.

You’ll find it in many of the same applications as you’d find PG. Because it’s plant derived and less toxic, it would be more commonly used in health products and it’s far safer.

  • It’s also a humectant and because of it’s consistency it’s better suited for moisturizing applications like soap and lip gloss.
  • It’s humectant properties also allow it to aid in the delivery of active ingredients…because it holds water, which is the perfect solvent for skin or internal absorption. That’s why it’s used in oral and topical gel capsules and many lotions.
  • Used as a burn remedy

Once again, applications are far too numerous to list

How It Differs From PG In Vaping:

Consistency and flavour

It’s a thicker liquid and therefore not as easy a solvent…however, with steeping, this can be remedied.

It’s sweeter in flavour adds to the enjoyment factor and means that the manufacturer won’t necessarily need to add artificial sweeteners (a good thing!).

Devices and vape styles:

While it’s pretty much too heavy for the smaller coils of low wattage, plus ohm devices…it’s perfect for sub-ohm vaping at a high wattage.

VG is also responsible for a more wholesome, creamy and heavy vapour. Plus, because of that thick, heavy vapour…it’s your only choice for serious cloud-chasing and vape tricks.

If you use a high VG juice, generally 70VG+ with a smaller mouth to lung e cig tank you may find you get repeated dry hits. This is due to VG being a thicker e-liquid.

The smaller coils can have a hard time ‘wicking’. This is vaper talk for how efficiently the cotton/coil can take on the e juice. Think of it like running water through a sieve and then syrup.

OK.. Maybe an extreme and strange choice of liquids but it’s simply to highlight what is happening with your PG/VG liquids. One passes through quicker than the other.

So keep all that in mind buying e liquid. If you have an intolerance to PG you can check out our post on where to buy 100%VG e liquids.

  • PG 40/VG 60 – This ratio has been mention above for the MTL tanks. It can also be used in sub ohm devices. Although some may prefer to start at the next PG/VG ratio.
  • PG 30/VG 70 – This is one of the most common ratios for sub ohm devices and works well to provide a smooth throat hit and satisfying clouds.
  • PG 20/VG 80 – This ratio will provide a super smooth vape with dense clouds. Vapers that use lower resistance coils may choose this kind of ratio for the smoothness it provides. Like the PG 30/ VG 70 this is also the choice for higher wattage vapers.
  • PG 10/VG 90 & 100%VG – These are only recommended for coils that are capable of wicking thicker juices. These are also the choice for vapers that have a PG allergy.

Side Effects And Safety:

Vegetable Glycerin or Glycerol is likely the safer of the two common bases in your e-juice.

It’s completely non-toxic, naturally derived, hypoallergenic …but just make sure that it’s USP grade, the same with your PG.


Once again, the water vapour you see on exhale is absorbed from your own body by the VG, so for goodness sake…stay hydrated.

Any negative effects such as dry mouth or sore throat will be a direct result of the dehydration caused by VG’s humectant properties and can be easily avoided by drinking water.

The Verdict

Put it this way…both PG and VG have their benefits when it comes to vaping, depending on your vape style and device.

I, personally, am so intolerant to PG that my lungs completely seize up with anything more than 20% PG: that said, I thoroughly enjoy many 80VG/20PG juices, so the idea is to find your sweet spot and the mix that’s just right for you.

My first experience with a vape pen sent me straight back to cigarettes for a further 2 years…I’d coughed, my throat itched and the vapour production didn’t match the thick plumes from my Camels.

I later discovered that it had been a 90% PG juice. Picking up a sub-ohm device and a bottle of 80%VG liquid, I soon discovered the real meaning of PLUMES, delicious flavor and a sense of well-being and improved health and fitness I would never have known whilst smoking…face it, vaping kicks ass.

So…hold yourself accountable, be prepared to back up your actions with a good argument, know your stuff and please, vape safe…let’s uplift the lives of future generations.

Any question? Please ask in the comment section below!

layura-ann burgess
Laura-ann Burgess

Greetings Vapers! I’m a 34 year old writer, editor and massive vaping enthusiast (since 2015) based in the beautiful Helderberg region in South Africa. My passion for vaping has steadily grown since I started vaping in earnest (as has my scorn for smoking). See, I tried vaping years before that but returned to cancer sticks after a bad experience (PG sensitivity). When I finally got back on the vaping train I decided to make it my business to educate beginners and vapers in general, so that they don’t jump to the conclusions that I did. I visualise a world without cigarettes…not just for health reasons: I’m tired of picking thousands of cigarette butts up off my lawn every morning, tossed over the wall by passers by. I can’t believe I used to be one of those people!

Greetings Vapers! I’m a 34 year old writer, editor and massive vaping enthusiast (since 2015) based in the beautiful Helderberg region in South Africa. My passion for vaping has steadily grown since I started vaping in earnest (as has my scorn for smoking). See, I tried vaping years before that but returned to cancer sticks after a bad experience (PG sensitivity). When I finally got back on the vaping train I decided to make it my business to educate beginners and vapers in general, so that they don’t jump to the conclusions that I did. I visualise a world without cigarettes…not just for health reasons: I’m tired of picking thousands of cigarette butts up off my lawn every morning, tossed over the wall by passers by. I can’t believe I used to be one of those people!


  1. Hey , I am using a caliburn GK2
    And I recently ordered horny flava mango 70vg/30pg . What type of coil should I use is it 0.8 mesh coil or 1 mesh coil for a better flavour and throat hit

  2. Hi Jonny,

    Firstly thanks so much for your great advice above, I’m sure it’s appreciated by many!

    I have a T18 (original 2.5ml tank) which I’ve been using for over 2 years now, changing the coils regularly and cleaning it etc.
    I’ve been using the Cirro e-liquids for the whole time, which are 80/20 VG/PG split, and 6mg Nic content. I use a LOT of menthol flavour and a little Cherry also. Recently I’ve noticed a lot of acid reflux in my throat and I wonder if there’s any other liquids I can use to help?
    I’ve been checked out by a specialist who says nothing is wrong, and I find it ONLY happens when I vape! So I can have 2 days of not vaping at all, and be completely fine, and as soon as I vape, the problem is back again!

    Any tips/ideas would be very welcome!

    Many thanks in advance.

    • Hey Jack,

      I feel for you..I can’t really advise as I have limited experience of this personally and of course I’m not a medical professional:)

      But it is said that:
      “Nicotine is thought to relax the ring of muscle in the lower esophagus that keeps acid in the stomach, where it belongs. When that ring relaxes, acid can trickle up and cause that burning sensation.”

      Also check out these posts that have some more info as well as vapers that also suffer the same.

      Also a search brings up a few more but may take a bit of digging through.

      If it were me I would try reducing my nic strength to 3mg and try a different flavours away from minty/menthol/citrus fruit. Also be experimenting with different PG/VG ratios.


      If I were to get reflux when vaping but it it took awhile for the reflux to come on ie: not 4 or 5 drags I may even try 20mg nic salts in a non acid/fruit flavour. Sounds counterintuitive but it would cut my vaping time right down as I get my nic hit quicker. But.. of course, if the issue is indeed nicotine then it may not be a good idea!

      Sorry can’t be more help. If you find something that works for you then please let us know. Sure others would like to know too.

    • Hi jack, just came across your comment and something stuck out to me.
      I too have used cirro liquids for years, through an aspire bvc coil. In your description you said it was 80/20 vg/pg, my flavour was Utterly menthol but its 80 PG and 20 VG I dont know if you read the label wrong because i dont think cirro make an 80vg this could explain you reaction as an intolerance to pg.

  3. Hi,

    Can I ask, I use the Smok Nord and Novo pods systems (have tried others but prefer these). With the Nord I use the 1.4 coil. My question is I use 50/50 mix of Nic salts at 16mg. But sometimes I seem to get a bit of a sore throat (not always). Could this be cause by the mix? And if so what would be a better mix to use?

  4. Hi guys, I just started vaping and bought Endura t18ii. The seller in the store recommended few liquids as I was looking for the tobacco ones. I first tried 50/50 and it’s fine, bit of coughing and throat itching (not all the time) but I suppose it’s not just the liquid, I have to get used to vaping as I’ve been a smoker for 20 years. Then I tried 70vg/30pg liquid and I like it much better but here I see that Endura is not recommended for that kind of liquid. It does seem to be fine (First tank and I assume there is some 50/50 still soaked in the coil), it’s much smoother for my body and it seems to me it’s even smoother for the e-cig as well as it “works smoother” when I press the button, but I’m just a noob so what do I know 🙂 My question is can I continue to vape 70/30 on t18ii or should I get another device? As I understand, the problem is that it could shorten the “lifespan” of the coil and cause some dry hits? Would it be a better experience with another device? Since I just bought the device and have to buy a bunch of liquids to see which ones fit me the most, I’m not really eager to buy another device right away. Sorry for all the questions, but I’m a bit confused 🙂

    • Hey Tom,

      Great to hear your giving e cigs a good go and trying different eliquid combos.

      First up, no you have a great device, no need to buy another!

      If the 70VG is working for you then definotely carry on.

      I used to use a 70VG with a similar device, As it is generally a thicker juice I just needed to pay attention to my draw. Sometimes you can tell when a dry hit is creeping in. If you feel it just take a break and let the eliquid soak back into the cotton.

      Also try not to chain vape.

      70VG on these coils may reduce life but there are many factors that effect this. Such as highly sweet eliquid flavours.

      The coils should still last a decent time with the higher VG and be cheaper than buying ciggies 😉

      As you are open to trial and error to get your eliquid right I’d suggest taking a look at nicotine salt eliquid.

      Nic salts provide a smoother vape and allow the nicotine to enter the system quicker.

      The 50/50 juice you tried was likely a higher nicotine strength? High nic strength can = harsh throat hit.

      Whereas 20mg nic salt would give you a smoother vape.

      Michelle, who reviewed the Innokin Endura T18ii here tested with big salts.

      If you have any questions regarding other liquids she used with the t18ii just ask in comments she’s always happy to chat vaping 🙂

      Hope that helps a little and doesn’t confuse more, sounds like your doing great but any other questions please ask.



      • Thank you for the quick response, Jonny!

        4 days vaping and 4 days no cigs, I was surprised to see that vaping is enough to keep me of the cigs. Both liquids had 12 mg of nicotine and it does seem to be enough for me but I do plan to lower the amount in time. The only thing that is a bit annoying is that I have to refill all the time as I try to refill as soon as I see that the liquid fell to 1/3 of the tank, 2 ml is quite small but what can we do 🙂 First bottle lasted 2, 2.5 days for me so it seems that I use 5 ml a day and I thought that amount would be higher.

        As for another question, how can I recognize a dry hit coming? I suppose the hit itself becomes a bit drier than before?

        And I’d love to get another device in time, maybe one that is both mtl and dtl friendly, is something like aspire zelos kit or innokin zenith kit a good choice? Don’t know why but mods with integrated batteries seem more handy to me but few recommendations as a best buys would be much appreciated, no matter the battery type.

        Lastly, I want to say thank you to all you guys here, you do a beautiful work in teaching us how to start and I did learn a lot in these few days reading, without your advises I would be much more confused, keep up the good work!



        • Hey Tom,

          No problem! Really happy to hear the information is useful, can be confusing for sure as there is so much choice out there now.

          You are doing well with using 5ml a day! That’s the beauty with using mouth to lung tanks such as the T18 II Prism tank. I sub ohm vape at home with some big thirsty coils and don’t even want to think of the amount of juice I go through! ha

          Recognising a dry hit

          A little hard to explain but I’ll do my best!

          For me, it can happen after a few toots on the trot, the flavour on the latter draws isn’t quite the same and I get the slightest hint of burnt flavour coming through (very slight). Once I notice that I hang fire vaping and allow the eliquid time to soak back in the coil. I will sometimes do a couple of draws without firing my mod to help draw liquid through to the coil.

          Just think of it like a cycle.

          You vape – The e-liquid saturated cotton is heated by the coil and turned into vapour.
          The cotton then starts to dry out (more so when chain vaping) and the cotton doesn’t saturate quick enough to keep up with your vaping.

          The idea is for the juice to have enough time to soak through the holes in the side of the coil and re-saturates the cotton.

          With thicker e-liquid ratios (Higher VG) it can take a little time for the liquid to pass through onto the cotton, especially with mtl tanks that have smaller coils.

          Once you have been vaping a while you will easily notice when these are coming though Tom. Hope that makes a little sense! 🙂

          Other devices

          The new Zelos kit with the Nautilus 2s tank does have a sub ohm coil as does the Zenith tank but both are really classed as MTL tanks so while a Direct to lung hit is possible but will be quite restricted. If you take a look at the mouthpiece on each you will see they are narrow and built for a restricted draw.

          So.. The Zelos mod is great (as is the Nautilus 2s tank) but I’d look to pair it with another tank such as the JAC VApour S22. Or look at the Series S22 kit as a whole.



          • Wow man, I really really appreciate your effort, thank you 🙂

            I think I get it, for me it seems as the hit gets more sore, like scratching my upper part of the throat after a few hits and when the liquid is half full or less…I still can’t taste the burnt flavour but I’ve never experienced a dry hit and would like to keep it that way, lol!

            With t18ii and 70/30 I get the feeling that the vape pen works a lot more quiet and takes slightly more time to heat up than with 50/50 but it does the job. Definitely more flavour and clouds which I like, think I prefer it over 50/50 so I might go for a bit stronger device and have this one for 50/50 mtl.

            I’m from Croatia and don’t think that JAC is represented here, I could maybe order it online but coils would be a problem unfortunately. I’m sure I’li be able to find some good dtl/mtl hybrid for everyday use on your site, as I did with all the other things 🙂

            Thanks again,


  5. Hi All,

    I purchased the Innokin cool fire IV a couple of years ago and have been Cigarette free for nearly 3 years now.

    I’m currently using an Innokin ISub tank with 0.5ohm coils, but I don’t want to change my Mod just yet. But what I am looking for is more flavour
    and clouds.

    Can you recommend another tank / coil that I can use to achieve this.

    My current ejuice mix is 70vg / 30pg

    Thanks in advance for your feed back / guidance.

    Merry Christmas.


  6. Hello i am using a inokinn slip stream 0.8 coil mtl using 70vg/30pg but would like to try 80vg/20pg is that a good idea i am a taste chaser not a cloud chaser.thinking of buying a aspire zelos with nautilus 2 tank as i mtl is that a better set up

    • Hey Jerome,

      We haven’t tried the Slipstream 0.8 with 80VG. It may be a touch too thick but you may just about get away with it, you will just need to allow (and make sure) the higher VG juice has time to soak back into the cotton between vapes. Me personally, if 70VG is working well for you I’d stick to that or even try a 60VG if you are looking for flavour.

      Only one real way to find out though and that is to try the different ratios :).

      The Nautilus 2 tank is a bit of a different beast and more of a dedicated MTL tank with a tighter draw that works at lower wattage. So it’s difficult to compare the two. If you are looking for a tighter draw then yep, the Nautilus 2 tank is a good one.

  7. Hi,

    Thanks for the informative article and the clarity of the information as found it really helpful in explaining the differences however still not quite sure what ratio of PG/VG and nicotine level I should be using as I am new to the world of vaping but unfortunately not the world of smoking…smoke between 15 and 20 cigarettes a day of B&H Sky Blue Superkings but don’t know how this equates to nicotine level?

    Recently bought an Endura T20S Prism from the vaporized store and they recommended the 70PG/30VG, 12mg Nicotine liquids but have now noticed various websites say you should really use a higher VG than this for the type of coil in the Endura T20S Prism model so now a bit confused and really would appreciate some advice so I know whether to:

    a) ditch the liquids I bought with the vape and if so what ratio should I be looking at instead?
    b) even if I can use them what ratio should I really be looking at buying in the future for optimum performance?

    Oh and just in case it’s relevant producing big clouds isn’t important to me…

    Thank you in advance for any help and advice you can give as I really will appreciate it as kind of feel like I’m stabbing around in the dark with this as there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about 🙁

    • Hi Heather,

      The Innokin Endura T20s comes as standard with a 0.8Ohm coil if I’m not mistaken. This does allow (and is better suited) for using higher VG e-liquids.

      60VG or 70VG are recommended as a guideline but Michelle who reviewed the Endura T20S found 80VG fine with the 0.8Ohm coil.

      But… There are a few things you can do Heather.

      – Simply try the 70PG e-liquid, it may just be fine with the T20s coils.
      – Get your self some higher VG e-liquid to use with the 0.8Ohm coils for future use.
      – Buy an additional pack of 1.5Ohm coils that will be better suited to the higher PG e-liquid you have.

      If it were me in your situation I would try the e-liquid you already have and see how I get on though before buying anything else. Just fill the tank and let it sit for 10 minutes before vaping.

      The reason why higher vg is usually recommended is because it’s a thicker consistency. 70PG is a thinner juice and *may* result in a bit of leakage.

      If it doesn’t work out you can still use the same coil with the higher VG e-liquid so you won’t be wasting a coil. There may be flavour cross over but I just ‘vape through it’ until the new flavour comes through.

      Let us know how you get on with it Heather and please ask anything else if you’re not sure.



  8. Lee, it’s so rewarding to hear that my article has helped a fellow vaper figure things out…there’s much to learn, that’s all part of the fun and trust me, even I’m still learning everyday! A happy New Year to you too and all the best making an educated purchase, enjoy and spread the love!

  9. Had same first experience as yours. I’m going to try again but this time I have so much information/education on the products, mixes, application, mindset. So much comes from reading yours and others like you that share your knowledge and can write it down in a way that others can read and reread if like me and walk away no longer completely ignorant regarding vaping. Thank you very much and happy new year. I’m off to search for a new vape. I now know. I want a sub ohm with coils that can handle wicking of thicker VG. 80%VG-20%PG reads like what I’m looking for but had no idea how to ask or describe it. Thanks again.

  10. Hello
    I have only started with vaping and decided to get a cheap vape88 one to just try it I am looking for it to have flavour what would be best for me pg/vg ratio

    • Hey Mark,

      Not heard of a Vape88 e cig before? If you can tell me exactly what you have (link to if is easier) I’ll be able to better.

      If you can also tell me what resistance the coil is you are using. This should be on the side of coil and read something like 1.2Ohm / 0.5Ohm.




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