the devil vaper youtube vaping review channel

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From Rock Star To Vape Reviewer Has It Been the Road To Hell?

I hate using the words under-exposed but as UK YouTube vape reviewers go Dean the Devil Vaper should be in the double digit thousand subscribers by now – he really is that good.

But hey 3k + [and rising!] is still an amazing figure and testament to his hard work and dedication to vaping and indeed the vape community as a whole.

As vape reviewers go he’s as honest as the day is long and unafraid to call out a device if in his true expert opinion it doesn’t deserve your hard earned cash. iJoy Capo Squonk anyone?

I say expert opinion and really mean it – site admin Jonny said it himself in the Christmas Messages blog post – Dean’s is the first name on his list when it comes to sending out vape gear for review and if you read his reviews or watch his YouTube channel you’ll see why.

All of us here at EcigClick were absolutely delighted when you the readers voted the Devil Vaper in the top three of the best UK YouTube reviewers in our 2017 Vape Awards – you guys really do have great taste 😉Ecigclick Awards - Best you Tube Reviewer - Devil Vaper 3rd Place

You can see from Dean’s reaction what it meant to him:

Absolutely CHUFFED beyond words at coming 3rd in the ‘Best UK YouTube Channel/Reviewer’ in the 2017 @EcigClick Awards! Being in the final 10 was a big enough achievement, let alone coming in the top 3!

Look if you do one thing after reading this interview with the man himself – then do please go along to his superb YouTube channel and hit that subscribe button – and let’s get his subscriptions rocketing!

OK so grab your vape – sit back and find out what Dean thinks about the current UK vape review scene – vape models – his plans for the channel in 2018 and much more more.

When and why did you decide to try quit smoking via vaping?

Aaah, I remember like it was yesterday!

It was the 25th of April 2014. I had met a new lady and absolutely hated smoking around her and the awkwardness when I had to pop outside for a smoke.

No one likes kissing an ugly ashtray.

Now I’m just ugly and fruity!

What was your very first vape kit and e-liquid? How was it?

It was the Liberro Amo Starter Kit with Eskimo e-liquid which was 18mg I think.

I got on with it extremely well! I never touched a fag after that!

*reminisces back to the days where 10ml lasted me 5 days rather than 5 minutes*

How long was it before you went from MTL to DTL? What was your first sub ohm set-up?

Blimey! It must have been a couple of months.

My first sub-ohm setup was the eLeaf iStick 50w and the Kangertech Subtank Nano! Both of which I still have.

Oh the clouds bro, the clouds! Haha!

How long into your vaping journey was it before you thought about reviewing and why?

Bloody hell…Ermmm…

It was just after the first ever Vape Jam. I walked around and spoke to vendors and really enjoyed giving my feedback to companies regarding their flavours.

I ended up bringing home lots of samples so I decided to start doing small write ups on Instagram of what I thought of the flavours.

Why the name Devil Vaper? [always wanted to ask that lol]

a young devil vaper
Little Devil!

From my early teens, I had always signed my name with 666 after it.

I was into metal music, baggy jeans, Slipknot t-shirts and all that jazz.

I was even in a band at one point for a few years!

the devil vaper rockstar
The first genuine ‘Vaping Rock Star’ 😉

Did you jump straight into YouTube or were you a written reviewer first?

I suppose you could call it written.

It was basically a few lines on Instagram. But it got me on the reviewing ladder, so I shouldn’t think badly of it at all. It was a lot simpler back then though!

What was your first review and how do you feel about it now?

Blimey! It was Arctic Banana Berry by Forbidden Flavours recorded on my phone.

I’m watching it now as I’m typing this and I’m cringing like bloody mad! Brb, just smashing the computer screen…

On the subject of YouTube how do you view the vaping review scene right now? For instance has the #FreeShit crowd gone away for good?

I was hoping you’d ask me something like this!

The #FreeShit “reviewers” aka promoters have quietened down a bit after a lot of people called them out for their crap.

But there’s still a few shit nuggets caught in between the cheeks of the reviewing scene.

For some reason everything is awesome… Its not. It’s far from it.

The other thing I’m not overly fond of are some of the new breed of vape models. Don’t get me wrong, there are some decent, professional ones out there, and yes, I understand that sex sells.

“…sex sells…”

But too many are standing there with their tits and arse out, basically going ‘BUY THIS SHIT, IT IS GOOD’ and holding an unopened bottle of juice or a mod still in the cellophane!

Have you even used the product?!?

Care to explain why people should buy it even though there are major flaws with xyz?

Also, “Brand Ambassadors” where the hell did they come from?! They’re just re-branded promoters because of the TPD/TRPR!

Either way, I know I can go to sleep at night knowing that I’m not lying to my followers.

What’s the overall standard for YouTube vape review channels particularly from the UK?

Personally, there are only a small handful of reviewers I watch regularly; Vaping With Vic, The Vaping Postman and Empire Vape.

Those are the three largest UK channels I watch and subscribe to (and you all should too).

They’re an awesome bunch of lads with different personalities and reviewing styles and I know that I’ll be getting a broad range of honest opinions from all of them.

But we mustn’t forget the smaller channels such as SoulOhm Reviews and Great British Vapes.

They are great lads too! Each with their own styles and quirky personalities.

With the reviewers I subscribe to, I look for honesty, integrity and a likeable character. It doesn’t matter how many subs you have.

If you’re a twat, I won’t subscribe.

There are also a few bigger UK reviewers out there, and who they are and what they do isn’t my bag.

It’s an extremely cliquey world out there, and if you associate with the “wrong people” you get shunned.

I personally couldn’t give a shit. I’m not here to lick arse for the sake of saving face.

There seems to be a bit of drama in the UK YouTube vape scene lately – what’s your take on all that?

Ah, I find it bloody hilarious! Ivory towers and high horses and all that crap.

Fuck em.

What people seem to forget is that this is a hobby.

We’re here to help people get off the stinkies and have fun while we’re doing it.

thed evil vaper youtube reviews

Attacking people because they’re doing extremely well, or because they review more mainstream gear ain’t on. It ain’t on at all.

I must admit that I’m a creator of drama sometimes. But, I go about it in a slightly different way.

For example my #GuruGate video.

Maybe I should be more of an arsehole at times. It seems to get things done.

Your Best and Worst of 2017 was bloody brilliant – any feedback off that [negative or positive!]

Thank you!

I’ve actually had a lot of positive feedback from the Best/Worst of  Vaping 2017 video!

It’s something I absolutely love doing every year and it’s a great laugh. I think it’s good to give a bit of feedback on what you think about certain people and things.

But you also get the butt-hurt brigade who hate the fact that you think the Smok TFV8 is crap and you don’t think that Vape Dinner Lady e-liquid is the best thing since sliced bread.

Also, I may or may not have been drunk half way through that video. Every time I watch it back, I have a giggle to myself.

You’ve mentioned you have big plans for your channel in 2018 – what are they? Will you be doing live shows – hooking up with other review channels etc?

So far, in the short term, I just want to better myself in what I’m doing.

There have been numerous times in 2017 where I have been shunned, forgotten or been ‘an afterthought’ for whatever reason.

I can only presume there are a few salty folks out there who don’t like the cut of my jib, lol!

In terms of collaborating with other reviewers, I’m always more than happy to do so. It opens up the doors to new subscribers and companies, and if it benefits all parties and we have a laugh, then it’s all good!

There are some things that I’ll be keeping under my hat for the time being though, haha!

Just keep an eye out on my social media for the usual vague teasers!

the devil vaper matchy matchy
Lovin’ the hat – very ‘matchy matchy’ with the suit 😉

I see you’ve introduced Patreon accounts – can you explain what that is and how they can help your channel?

Yeah, this was a decision I made at the weekend.

Basically, with the way YouTube is going, they’re demonizing vaping videos like mad.

The money I previously got from Google AdSense, I put straight back into the channel to upgrade all my equipment.

Now that YouTube have literally frozen everything, I don’t get a single penny.

So I thought Patreon would be a good idea for anyone who wishes to donate, and in return I can offer perks from shout outs in my videos/vlogs, to a personal chat with me via VSee/Google Hangouts.

I’ll be clear, I don’t make a single penny from what I do.

I can be working on reviews from 6pm until midnight, 6 days a week, and nearly a whole day on Sunday.

It’s like a second job. I’m honestly not sure how successful my Patreon will be, but we’ll see how it goes.

Either way, it doesn’t change my appreciation and love towards any of my subscribers or viewers. I love them all!

Many YouTube vape reviewers say running a channel can take over your life – you have a full time job so how does reviewing impact on your spare time? Your partner must be very understanding!?

“Spare time” what the hell is that?

I work 08:30-17:30, 5 days a week, plus until half 12 on a Saturday.

Every evening I come in, have my dinner and then get onto the computer. Sometimes until the early hours of the morning.

I don’t think some viewers realize that sometimes. All they see a 20 minute video and don’t know that about 3 or 4 hours went into making that video.

Times that by around 20 videos a month, that’s a big chunk of my free time taken up.

I do have times where I take a few days off, just to get my feet back on the ground.

devil vaper vape famous

I do suffer from mental health issues, which I’m not afraid to admit, and it’s nice to channel my mind away from ‘real life’ doing my reviews.

As for the other half. She is my rock! She’s pulled me out of some dark places at times and I couldn’t thank her enough for it.

Apart from your YouTube channel and written reviews for EcigClick do you write or review for any other publications?

I sometimes write for Vape-Mail which is a monthly subscription service and Sub Ohm Magazine.

It’s enjoyable, but takes a bloody long time to do.

There is also a new one in the pipeline, we’re just in talks about it at the moment.

You seem to love the Tesla Wye 200 – so what’s your perfect vaping set-up?

It’s a great little mod!

My absolute perfect setup for day to day vaping would be the Tesla WYE 200W and the Aspire Cleito EXO with the 0.4ohm original Cleito coils in. Obviously filled with some 6mg Diamond Mist Toonz.

It’s reliable, practical and has never let me down at all.

How do you see the future of vaping in the UK and the rest of the world?

For the UK, I personally think we’re over the shit storm that was the TPD/TRPR.

I’m hoping it’ll get better for us though.

Personally I would like to see the 10ml bottle and 2ml tank capacity lifted, but other than that, I’m happy with the screening e-liquids have to go through before being released. It has made things a lot safer.

Anything you’d like to say to your followers?

Yes! To my followers, I have a place in my heart for every single one of you.

Whether you’ve been there since day one, or recently joined, YOU have got me where I am today and I honestly couldn’t thank you enough.

Also, #CBW ❤️

[I’ll let you guys find out for yourselves what hashtag CBW means lol]

UK Vaping Dream Team…Assemble!!!

In his typical modest way Dean touched on collaboration with other YouTube reviewers in 2018 – well here’s what greeted me on my Facebook timeline this morning from the great man himself Vic Mullin aka Vaping With Vic:

A quick announcement about the return of The UK Vape Show on February 15th at 8:30pm.

If you have already watched the Watts UP from this weekend you will already know that myself, Chris from Empire Vape and Mark from The Vaping Postman will be hosting the show.

There will now be a 4th permanent host (with the guest now the 5th) and its Dean “The Devil Vaper”!

Like I said talk about a vaping dream team – that show is going to be HUGE and I for one can’t wait.

UK vape show vaping with vic
Dean to become a host on the UK Vape Show

The first new look UK Vape Show will broadcast on Feb 15th at 8.30pm and is definitely not one to miss – for more info I suggest checking out Vic’s video HERE.

I wish Vic the best of luck trying to keep a straight face and maintain order with those three – though saying that Vic can be just as crazy at times!

From past experience the show is packed with vape related banter and like I said with those four at the helm – it’s going to be one hell of a ride!

OK…I’d like to thank Dean very much for taking the time out to do this interview from what you can see is an extremely busy schedule – pleasure talking to you mate 😉

And don’t forget to head over to the Devil Vaper YouTube channel and subscribe!

You can offer your support and sign up for the Devil Vaper’s Patreon Account Here.

neil Humber 2
Neil Humber

I have simpler vape tastes these days - I never leave home without a Caliburn G, a Vaporesso Luxe 40 or Innokin EQ FLTR and a CBD vape pen or bottle of CBD drops in my rucksack...or indeed an Aspire Nautilus Prime X in my pocket... At home I'll be using various mods topped with the GeekVape Zeus X RTA or the Signature Mods Mono SQ topped with the Augvape BTFC RDA... I'm a former journalist and now a writer and sometimes author... I'm ex Army - adore dogs and never happier than hiking over the hills or with a good book on a beach.

I have simpler vape tastes these days - I never leave home without a Caliburn G, a Vaporesso Luxe 40 or Innokin EQ FLTR and a CBD vape pen or bottle of CBD drops in my rucksack...or indeed an Aspire Nautilus Prime X in my pocket... At home I'll be using various mods topped with the GeekVape Zeus X RTA or the Signature Mods Mono SQ topped with the Augvape BTFC RDA... I'm a former journalist and now a writer and sometimes author... I'm ex Army - adore dogs and never happier than hiking over the hills or with a good book on a beach.


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