The Apollo SNCK e-liquid review and this is a range of juice based on some sweet snack treats.

From cookies to Taffy, one of these is bound to hit the mark for any sweet tooth.

SNCK E-Liquid Review

SNCK is manufactured and distributed by Apollo Ecigs.

Apollo has been playing the game since 2010 and initially established themselves in the San Francisco Bay Area.

They have a wide range of juice and hardware, so they should know what they are doing.

Apollo products includes the Apollo Brez Kit, the FAQ juice range,the Apollo Ohm Go Kit and Mimi’s French Toast which I recently reviewed.

As I mentioned in that review, Apollo follow strict guidelines for their manufacturing with ISO standard clean rooms and PhD level chemists.

Apollo serve over 90 countries worldwide with one of their distribution hubs right here in the UK.

With the size of Apollo I am actually quite surprised that I have not come across their juice before, it may be that it’s not easily come by in Northern Ireland but it is readily available online.

What Can We Expect From These SNCK E-liquids from Apollo?

These flavour profiles are a diabetic dream, all of the sweetness and flavour without the need for insulin.

I have previously reviewed Apollos Mimi French Toast so I have pretty high hopes for the SNCK range.

SNCK e-liquid range with mod

The juice comes in a 60ml short fill bottle, this means that there is 50ml of juice, leaving space for a 10ml nic shot to be placed in should you wish.

They are a 70/30 PG/VG mix of juice so most stock coil tanks will have no issues wicking.

Read more about VG and PG.

For the purposes of this test we will be going back to my old faithful Wotofo Recurve RDA, built with a 0.3 ohm flat Clapton coil and running at 65w.

This has been placed on top of the my old faithful Lost Vape DNA166, a two year old workhorse that is still going as strong as the day I bought it.

These bottles of e-juice have been supplied to me free of charge for the purposes of the review and I will give my honest opinion.

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SNCK E-Liquid Review – Strawberry Rice Pudding Graham Crackers

SSNCK E-Liquid Review Strawberry Rice Pudding & Graham Crackers

SNCK Says:

Sweet strawberries in a creamy rice pudding with crumbles of graham crackers on top.

I Say:

There is a real rice pudding smell from the bottle with a hint of candied strawberries.  Doing the finger test gives a real sharp bitter taste at the back of your mouth, like unripened strawberries, I really can’t taste anything past that bitterness.

Inhale and exhale flavour seems to be a bit on the muted side, for this I’m jumping the wattage up another 5 watts and trying again.

There we go, that’s better.  The inhale is creamy with a hint of the strawberry, still a bit of a candied strawberry.

The exhale is where it will all hit you, it’s a mix of everything, the rice pudding, candied strawberries and the sweet crackers all hitting you at the same time.  The strawberry is definitely the strongest flavour in this combination, peaking just above everything else.

Personally, I’m really not sure about this one, but I will be scoring it against the flavour profile and not my own personal preference

SNCK E-Liquid Review Snickerdoodle

SNCK Says:

Just like mom use to make, fresh from the oven buttery sugar cookies covered in sugar and cinnamon.

I Say:

There is actually a cookie smell from the bottle, kind of like sticking your face into a bag of cookies and inhaling.

You may squint your eyes a bit with the finger taste though, it’s a sharp taste like a concentrated cookie that needs watered down and that taste will hover on the roof of your mouth for a bit, take a drink of something and suddenly your cola is a cookie cola.  Doesn’t last long though, couple of mouthfuls and it will go away.

I’m definitely picking up cinnamon on the inhale, the exhale however, yes, that’s fresh out of the oven cookies, it’s actually as if you could pick up the heat from the cookie being out of the oven.

Only thing is, I think mom dropped in a little too much cinnamon in there, it tickles the tonsils a bit on the exhale.

I like it, I wouldn’t be able to vape this all day though, the cinnamon is a wee bit overpowering for me but cinnamon lovers out there, this could be the one for you.

Now my energy drink tastes of cookies!!

SNCK E-Liquid Review – Banana Strawberry Taffy

Banana Strawberry Taffy

SNCK Says:

A taffy lover’s dream! Creamy banana meets with tart and sweet strawberries to make a chewy delight

I Say:

Soft sweetie bananas, everyone knows what they smell like, smelling the bottle I feel like I have just face planted a tub of sweets.  I actually did check my blood sugar levels after smelling this ha ha.

Taking the finger test from the bottle has the exact same experience of banana sweets.  Being a type 1 diabetic, I tend to sway away from these sweeties so I am starting to get a little excited here!!!

The inhale is a subtle candied strawberry, I know strawberry is in the flavour profile but the smell and finger test got me excited about the banana.

But wait, start the exhale and there it is, sweetie bananas, not just one but a full bag of them.  Hang on, someone has put a jellied candy strawberry in the bag, just one.  The strawberry is subtle and to be honest I think the combo is pretty spot on.

This bottle is not going to last long!

SNCK E-Liquid Review – Strawberry Papaya Kiwi

Strawberry, Papaya Kiwi

SNCK Says:

A perfect fruit mix of sweet papaya, smooth kiwi, and slightly tart strawberry.

I Say:

The smell from the bottle is a punnet of fresh strawberries, not candies, fresh, there is a slight hint of the papaya as well.

The first thing that will hit you from the finger test is the papaya and kiwi, the strawberry seems to linger as an after taste.

There isn’t much to report on the inhale from this juice, all the action is on the exhale.

The papaya comes straight out in front followed closely by the kiwi.  The strawberry lingers in the background and like a shy person never quite comes to the front of the crowd.

This is pretty bang on the money, very refreshing, slightly sweet and a tiny bit of tartness in the background.

A possible all day vape here, another definite winner with this one.

Final Review Verdict

So, the flavour descriptions do pretty much line up with what is happening with the vape in all 4 of these.  In my opinion two of them hit the dart board straight in the bullseye.

Downside for me with the range is the Strawberry Rice pudding, a couple of times it felt like I was doing the cinnamon challenge, not every time but most.  Again, this is my personal opinion, I like cinnamon but I don’t want to bathe in it.  I do know some that will love this one so I’ll throw it over to them.

In third place of the four would be the Snickerdoodle, hey, it’s not a bad juice, I just don’t think I could vape it for too long before having to move to something else, I think it could get quite sickening after a while, best to treat yourself with it for a vape session and go back to your all day vape.

The last two, wow, bang on, Apollo have hit these two out of the park for me.

One negative for all 4 which I think is worthwhile mentioning, this will not be scored but again should be said.

I think these are going to be coil killers, even after each of the test I could see the darkening of the coil so be mindful if you are using stock coils, it could get a little pricey for you.

Have you tried this range of e-liquids?

Let me know in the comments below 🙂

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Ken The Diabetic Vaper
Ken The Diabetic Vaper

Vaping since 2015, I started an Instagram page dedicated to the vape that has over 2k followers and climbing. A fan of all things tech (Geek and Proud), vaping was a natural step as it included both nicotine and technology. I started vaping with a simple budget pen setup, now, vaping is my main hobby and I'm passionate about getting people to switch from smoking to vaping.

SNCK Strawberry Rice Pudding & Graham Crackers
SNCK Snickerdoodle Cookie
SNCK Banana Strawberry Taffy
SNCK Strawberry Papaya & Kiwi
Vaping since 2015, I started an Instagram page dedicated to the vape that has over 2k followers and climbing. A fan of all things tech (Geek and Proud), vaping was a natural step as it included both nicotine and technology. I started vaping with a simple budget pen setup, now, vaping is my main hobby and I'm passionate about getting people to switch from smoking to vaping.
apollo-snck-e-liquid-reviewAnother good range from Apollo, the mixologists know what they are doing with out any doubt. Although I do think one of them has no trouble with the cinnamon challenge.


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