Click To See Some of the Best Electronic Cigarettes For Beginners.

Sky Cig in Action

Sky Cig Review – Is This An E-Cigarette Worth Buying?

Update: Skycig is no more – They have re-branded to Blu E Cigs

Sky Cig are one of the bigger UK based electronic cigarette suppliers that on the surface appear to be on a par with the big companies you see in the USA. They are also touted by many different electronic cigarette review sites to be the best available in the UK.

I was intrigued….so I was straight over to their website to by myself a shiny new Sky Cig starter kit! Lets take a closer look at the product.


sky cig starter kitI placed my order on a Saturday and my package arrived on the Wednesday so a good start there.

What you get is a quality magnetic flap box, similar to Green Smoke, inside is the USB charger, wall charger and the rechargeable carry case that contains the two batteries.

You will also have a small box containing your cartomizers.

The e cigarette hard-case case itself (the one that looks like a cig packet) has a quality soft feel to it and also allows you to carry one full electronic cigarette, charge your extra battery and carry 5 spare cartridges at the same time.

There is very little chance you will run out of power and be stuck for a smoke with this package!

First impressions, yeah… I’m liking the Skycig.


sky-cig-batteryOk, time to fire it up and see what it’s like!

In your kit you will receive 2 batteries as standard, perfect for rotating your batteries.

The actual charging process works different to that of the E-Lites. With the Sky Cig you charge the actual cigarette case which then in turn charges your e-cig battery.

This is a definite plus point over the E-Lites in that you can give your battery a charge whilst your out and about without the need to plug it into a main power source. The likelihood of you getting caught short, in a smoking kind of way, is greatly reduced!

Battery Size

What I really like about the Sky Cig batteries is the sizes, out of all the brands reviewed so far they are the closest to the the size of a real cigarette, with the cartomizer attached they are very similar in size to the real thing.

The battery is very responsive, produces a decent amount of vapour for the size and on the model I have the tip light is orange. According to the website they are lithium ion batteries that will last for about 1 hour when fully charged, remember the battery only activates when you inhale.

The only thing I found that was a bit annoying is that the battery can be a little too responsive. There were a few occasions I found the battery igniting just by moving the Skycig about too quickly.

UPDATE: It has been brought to my attention that they have addressed this issue with the batteries and no longer have this problem.

Overall 3.5/5 – It did perform well but keep in mind that due to the size of the batteries they will need charging on a more regular basis, or if you are a heavy smoker a ‘VERY’ regular basis. This is somewhat helped by the PCC however.


Sky Cig Cartomizers
As mentioned on briefly before, the vapour that the Sky Cig produces is good, for such a small battery (in comparison to other brands) it really does the trick.

Their cartomisers, per pack of 5 are pricey although discounts are available for multiple purchases. Sky Cig also claim that the new cartomisers are the equivalent to 250 puffs/drags.

I actually counted how many drags I got from one of their cartos (I’m not normally this sad) and got between 140-150 drags.

Now, this is by no means a scientific test as everyone has different vaping techniques but I don’t think I’m far off normal!

So, with that in mind the already pricey cartridges do not seem that good value especially when compared to other e cig brands and products.

In the starter kit they supply you with 5 sample cartridges of all the e cig flavours they produce.

I tried them all and without going into full graphic detail here what i thought: Vanilla (not having it, should be left to ice cream). Cherry (surprisingly good actually, tastes like cherries! For some reason i didn’t think it would??).

Menthol (i used to have the odd real menthol cig at one time and this does a good job of it, nice flavour but not much of a throat hit).

skycig reviewThe remaining two are the tobacco flavours, which are the Marlboro and the Classic Tobacco. These two flavours are quite similar to one another with the Marlboro maybe having a slightly fuller flavour, both give a nice ‘throat hit’ which i like.

I actually got an aftertaste that reminded me of the coffee flavoured chocolates you used to get in a box of Roses!

That could just be me having a strange sense of taste though, still not sure if I like it though.

I used to smoke Marlboro lights and it didn’t take me on some nostalgic Marlboro smoking trip, so if you are expecting them to taste exactly like the real thing you may be disappointed. In fact there are no e-cigs that i have tasted that taste exactly like the real thing, I don’t necessarily think that’s such a bad thing though!

When you try new flavours and this new way of delivering your nicotine hit it can be strange at first but stick with it and you will be thankful you did!

Just keep one thing in mind, the flavours really are a personal preference, I’m not claiming to be right or wrong just letting you know what worked out best for me.

Overall – 3.5/5 – I preferred the classic tobacco and Cherry. Good throat hit, good vapour and the flavour was decent enough once I got used to it. If you like a menthol flavour then I found these to be good. They are on the expensive side though and don’t last as long as stated.

SKy Cig Starter Kits

sky cig reviewSky Cig only offer one electronic cigarette kit which does, to be fair, include everything you need to give it a go and get started.

At the time of writing you get the Skycig rechargeable case, 2 batteries, 5 cartomisers (5 flavours) and 2 chargers. You will also get full instructions on how to operate the e-cigarette.

They also include a coupon for 15% off your next order.


Sky Cig offer a 30 day “No Questions Asked” money back guarantee if you are not happy with your electronic cigarette starter kit for any reason. This all sounds great but there are a few things you need to keep in mind, one of them being a “processing and restocking fee”.

So if you are buying the Skycig to give it a try and hoping to get all your money back you may be disappointed.

They also have a limited 30 day and 1 year warranty. In short, the batteries and vapourisers are classed as consumable items and will be covered by their 30 day warranty and the wall adaptor, USB chargers and charging pack are covered with their 1 year warranty.

For full up to details though you will need to check their website.

Customer Service

The Skycig company makes a point of saying that they are very much focused on providing an exceptional customer service.

So, I thought I would test out their response times and see both how quick and how helpful they are. I sent them an email claiming I had a problem with my battery not working properly and asked them what I should do.

The email was responded to in 92 minutes which, in my eyes, is a rapid response by anyone’s standards. They also gave me good instructions to solve the problem and offered to replaced the battery if none of what they suggested worked. The tone of the service rep was good as well, felt like they actually did give a shit!

Its worth noting that their website also has an in depth QnA section that covers most questions.

The only thing that I did find strange was the lack of a contact phone number and contact form on their website.

This could be a problem if there are any issues and you need to contact them quickly, in the future it would be good to see a phone number on site!

Overall – Sky Cig customer service was good via email but they need contact by phone.

Overall I have got to say the Sky Cig electronic cigarette is a decent product for beginners, even though they only have a small offering they really do try and focus on making what they do have a good product.

It’s not perfect by any means but for those new to e cigs its a decent place to start if you want an electronic cigarette the same size as a cigarette, which for some smokers is important, the only other brand we have reviewed that does this size is the ROK kit.

The vapour volume is good across the range of flavours and the e-cigarette case is quality.

There were a few downsides for me, the first being the battery life, I know there is a PCC that comes with the SKYCIG starter kit but even so the batteries run out quickly and you really have to be on top of your charging to be sure you have a battery you can use at all times.If this is going to be an issue then I would highly recommend going for a vape pen starter kit or for even bigger battery life a vape mod starter kit.

Second is lack of a phone number, the only way you can get hold of SKYCIG is via email at the moment. Last is that although they claim their cartomisers last for 250 ‘puffs’ the one I tested lasted between 140-150 puffs, they are also expensive for the amount of time they last.

What I would say is that this is an OK option if you really want an electronic cigarette that is the same size as a cigarette, if this isn’t something that is so much of a big deal to you then better options are available .

Take a look at the top rated e cigarettes at the top of this page.

Jonny - Ecigclick

As the founder of Ecigclick, I've been vaping since 2010 and been cigarette free ever since. Ecigclick began with the aim to simplify & help smokers make an informed decision to make the switch to vaping. The Ecigclick team have personally tried and tested over 2000 products over the past 12 years. If you need help getting started vaping or just want to say hi then please feel free to get in touch. The team and I will help where we can!

As the founder of Ecigclick, I've been vaping since 2010 and been cigarette free ever since. Ecigclick began with the aim to simplify & help smokers make an informed decision to make the switch to vaping. The Ecigclick team have personally tried and tested over 2000 products over the past 12 years. If you need help getting started vaping or just want to say hi then please feel free to get in touch. The team and I will help where we can!


  1. Product was find but we need a new charger and have now found the product is obsolete after only 6 months and we can’t get a charger.

    We still have plenty of refills left but they can’t be used.

    What a dreadful company – don’t buy from them !

  2. Skycig was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was recommended by a friend of mine that had successfully stopped smoking, although he had never experienced withdrawal symptoms. I tried e-cig, mainly because my health started to deteriorate and I wasn’t always at my best during my Sunday Rugby League games. After a few weeks of use, I was not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms and played better in my rugby games! I loved the flavors, especially Crown Menthol and I cannot help but say that they have changed my life for the best!

  3. To quit smoking is never easy, but with the electronic cigarettes of skycig, quitting could be fun and exciting. You can satisfy your craving with this alternative, especially that they look like the real cigarettes and provide the most realistic smoking experience. I have tried their tobacco gold and crown menthol. I want to try other flavors too.

  4. I started using Skycig a few months ago and at first I was very happy with the product. A friend of mine recommended them and I took the plunge. Everything went well and I did stop using tobacco. The first thing I realised whilst surfing the net is that they charge waaaay to much for delivery, I know for a fact that it does not cost £4.00 to deliver a small pack of filters. the real cost is around about 2-2.50, so they are making a profit on the delivery as well. Which is fine but it does mount up over the month and I am very glad I read a review on here recommending Ciggys as an alternative as they do not charge delivery at all and their filters are cheaper! I had huge problems with Skycig when their batteries were not working they said I would have to post back the item and wait for them to run a test at a cost to myself and without a working battery 🙁 Which is just not good enough. They were very unhelpful and that is one of the main reasons I chose another company over them.

  5. I really wanted to like these e-cigarettes and was prepared to buy into the whole SKYCIG system, but having made a number of expensive purchases with them, I now realise just how wrong I was.

    I bought two freedom Kits and additional cartridges, one kit for myself and the other for my wife, in the hope for ditching the cigs forever. When our kits arrived the batteries worked for one cartridge, but when charging them in the PCC, the batteries and the PCC became red hot and then simply died. Add to that the fact that several of the cartridges were more or less empty; this was not the best of starts to our SKYCIG experience.

    On contacting customer services, they sent a returns label via e-mail, with the assurances that there would be a quick turnaround. This proved not to be the case. A second class label and a prolonged wait meant that we were without SKYCIGS for the best part of ten days –and we live in the same city these things come from! Eventually we received replacements (batteries and case, they ignored the faulty cartridges part of the complaint) in the post, but surprise surprise, these batteries were duds tooand simply didn’t hold a charge, this coupled with the woeful cartridge life, meant that the SKYCIG system simply wasn’t a viable or cost effective option. Sending the kits back with their money back guarantee, is fraught with problems and they only give you around half the money back owing to a “Processing and administrative fee” which smacks of a company wanting to fleece its customers.

    Aside from the health benefits, using SKYCIGs they would cost nearly as much as smoking, given the paltry battery life and poor cartridge capacity. We have used 10 motives for a while which proved to be excellent in relation to charging, but I personally didn’t like their taste all that much, ditto for E-lites too. Incidentally 10 motives have had amazing dispatch times from their website! Having tried a number of e-cigarettes, it would appear that SKYCIG is more about style over the real substance of the product. They look great and I have to admit that I personally loved the Crown Tobacco flavour and my other half enjoyed the menthol, but poor battery life, expensive cartridges and long postage times meant that we have moved on to Greensmoke, who are simply a world apart in quality, battery life and vapour production.

    More and more people I have encountered that vape have told me that they too started with SKYCIG but ditched them pretty quickly once the reality of quality and cost kicked in.

    Do yourself a favour, go for a big company like GreenSmoke or V2, yes they cost a little more initially, but with vouchers online aplenty, they aren’t that much more and the old adage “You get what you pay for” has endured for a reason.

  6. I have used Skycig but they are just too expensive £4.00 delivery for a pack of filters is ridiculous and mounts up a lot over time.

    I had a problem with their mint filters tasting like washing up liquid and they said nothing had changed with the flavour of their filters and that I would have to post it back at my expense so they could check it out then they will let me know the outcome,
    I had one filter left over from my previous order and I had my friend try between the new order and the old and he could taste the washing up liquid flavour and the filters were definitely different.

    Now I could send it back and they will say nothing has changed but I would have been left with no filters at all unless i bought a new batch of a different flavour waiting x amount of days and be left with nothing while i wait…… I AM TRYING TO GIVE UP SMOKING!

    I have now moved to Ciggys and so have a lot of people I know and it was the best decision I have made. They have FREE delivery on all of their products. Also you can still use your Skycig kit if you already bought one because their filters fit Skycigs batteries which is a RESULT!

  7. Please ANYONE reading this DO NOT SPEND A PENNY WITH THIS COMPANY, i bought the starter pack paid £60 with all refills, it arrived around 12 days later (which is a very long time to wait), the first cigarette i tried to charge and the blue light kept saying it was charged yet it wasn’t , ok faulty i understand that, then after the second charge of my other skycig the USB would not charge, i phoned up very polite and said look shits happens just send me a new e-cig and USB, no no you have to post it all the way back to Scotland and they review it and then send you new ones, what does it cost them £3 at most for a USB and cigarrette??? i told them forget it I’m honestly cannot be bothered to go to a post office to send it back, anyhow they said fine and didn’t even care, now after three days of using the other e-cig that’s packed up aswell, please anyone listening go to Nico Pure i still have a charger that works 6months later and an e-cig that i have had for over 4months that’s still works and the flavours are 10 x much nicer in menthol than Skycig and much better quality, why i even wanted to try something new was beyond me, by the way i am not a difficult person or customer by any means I’m the most happy go lucky bloke ever just DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR SKYCIG

  8. After smoking for nearly 30 years, i tried these as a way of quitting – wow, i havn’t had a proper cigarette since (nearly a year). In fact i wouldn`t even think of trying a cigarrete now. They are so easy to use and taste so clean compared to smoking. They do a range of flavours such as cherry, cinnamon, menthol and vanilla but I have narrowed my flavours down to tobacco gold, which is a very smooth taste and crown tobacco which i find slightly coffee flavoured. The only down side is that i enjoy vaping so much that i am getting through at least 2 catomisers a day and is getting expensive! Through a range of special deals ie offers and groupon deals i have five batteries although i only use three (I have 2 unopened), so i always have one at home and take two out with me with a fully charged case. The only down side is i am nowhere near giving up nicotine!!

  9. When I started with sky cigs in June I purchased 6 batteries none of which charges up properly now. When I ordered the sky cigs I also purchased some from Green Smoke which I have used more. My green smoke batteries last much longer and all still charge up. Have just had to buy some sky cig batteries to use up the cartomisers that I have left. Then I will be sticking with Green Smoke who actually give you two free batteries when you order 16 packs of cartomisers.

  10. I had been using SKYCIG for the last year and have had nothing but problems with them. Faulty charging packs, faulty batteries, faulty cartridges, that I have received leaking! Their customer service is despicable – they do not care and only after you hassle and hassle them do they then agree to have your component sent for analysis…which comes with a waiting time! Many of the cartridges run out after only about 20 puffs and the cherry have to be the worst of all! Cherry flavour? More like plastic! I switched to ‘Ciggys’ after a few months as I’d really had enough of wasting my money with SKYCIG! One day the actual USB port fell out of the charging case, which left me with no way to charge my batteries…this as you can imagine was hell! It was also the weekend and nothing could be done until the Monday, also they asked to have it sent back to them and it would take about 2 weeks to analyse and for me to receive any feedback – without any guarantee they would replace it, but they did after 3 weeks! This was when I changed to ‘Ciggys’. Ciggy’s customer service has been second to none – I mean when I explained my situation of having no charging case they sent me a free USB (next day delivery) and also some filters…you would never in a million years get this kind of genuine helpful service with SKYCIG! Any time I am low on filters (if I have let myself run down) they have even on special circumstances allowed me to have a Saturday delivery and at a lower cost then it would usually be. I can facebook them for any advice, and with any questions, and they get back to me within the hour, sometimes within 10 minutes of me messaging them. Ciggy’s have been outstanding – they generally care! They are not out for ripping their customers off, they are not praying on the vulnerable ex-smokers by charging the earth and not providing any perks…they just simply care and provide an exceptional service all round. Now their filters do not come without heir faults – I have had a few that have not lasted long…but still far longer than any of the SKYCIG ones! Everything can have a fault at times, but with SKYCIG it is fault after fault!

    Now, I have gone back to SKYCIG on occasions, purely as Ciggy’s only do a small range of flavours and they do not do the cinnamon, vanilla or cherry (not that I bother with the cherry any more, as I say, it is awful) so I have used SKYCIG to get these flavours. I also ordered an extra USB key from SKYCIG while I was on the site. This USB key worked for like a day or two before it failed! My USB ports in my laptop have been wrecked over time by using this USB…I cannot decide whether that is the USB or just that I am using it so much, but that’s still poor! Half of the 10 SKYCIG batteries I bought no longer work, they will not charge and all I get from SKYCIG customer-service is the usual crappy ‘Trouble-Shooting’ tips to try – all of which do not work. I have since thrown them out and had to buy more (from Ciggys).

    I have spent somewhere in the region of £1,200 with SKYCIG since last January (a staggering amount) and this is far, far more than I ever spent when smoking real cigarettes! I now use Ciggys and order 4 or more packs of filters at a time, this way I get each pack of filters for £7.99 – plus it is FREE postage – and that is for any amount spent! SKYCIG charge £4.95 postage, this is half the price of another pack of filters! I probably spend about £90 a month on this…and a little more every 3 months with replacing the batteries, as I find the batteries just do not last long. Now, as I say, this is far more than I ever spent when smoking real cigarettes….I really cannot afford to be spending this amount…it is a hell of a lot each month (plus I am on a tight budget at the moment through being out of work after knee surgery) so I need to find a way of lessening this cost. I have heard about the e-liquid and wonder how far this will go compared to buying the filters. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    My advice to anyone wanting to begin with SKYCIG is – save your money and use Ciggys! SKYCIG have become a greedy, self-centred company that rip you off and seriously lack in the customer-care department!

  11. Bought the starter kit as it was onsale (£10) with some extra carts and batteries
    Batteries do not last very long and neither do the carts. Some of them give off an OK vapour to begin with but seem to go dry very quickly (poor stock control or duff filling techniques – who knows?) There is no way of checking how old the carts are either ie. no use by date
    Actuall got fed up with them and went back to old ciggies which I had high hopes of giving up
    Have just ordered the Jac Vapour VIP Kit as it should work out way cheaper with refillable carts and from the reviews here it looks like a much better product
    Would definitely not pay full price for this product. It may be OK for the curious like I was but would work out very expensive in the end

  12. I tried ecigs before but it was just a throwaway one from a shop. I got one of these SKYCIG packs after a friend got one on Groupon and gave me a taste. Wow – I’ve tried everything else to stop smoking even had hypnosis but this is the only thing that has worked. I’m saving a fortune compared to buying fags. I haven’t had a real fag since I got the kit. Trying to get my boyfriend on them now too.

    Didn’t think I would like the fruity flavours but the cherry and menthol are really nice.

    Had a problem logging into the site so rang up customer services and spoke to them and they sorted it out for me and answered other questions I had about the cartridges. I’m a big fan!

  13. It looks great and it feels great to smoke. I ordered the START pack on their website for just a tenner, what I’d normally spend in two days on cigarettes. The pack it comes in gives you space to carry a fully assembled skycig and three cartridges, or just your battery and three cartridges, with space for your charger adapter. Its a little bigger than a regular cigarette box. It charges really quickly and you get loads of vapour, it feels like a regular cigarette, minus the smell and the aftertaste. My breathing and energy has improved a lot too!
    The customer service and delivery time is second to none as well. They give you crown points to spend on their website with every order you make, so you get money off or even free products if you save up enough. The only problem is it takes a while to save up anything substantial and you’d have to get a years supply to get a free pack of cartridges.
    Still, I feel a lot healthier and wealthier since picking up a skycig and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

  14. I got these cheap on a groupon deal and think they quite decent as long as you not paying full price. Carts dont last that long though.

  15. I love this product as it has stopped me smoking and that is something I never though I could achieve. They taste great and with the bold strength I found gave a great hit at the back of my throat.
    Delivery was longer than expected but I’ve had so many problems with royal mail and my postman lately, that I wouldn’t expect anything less.
    Customer services were so helpful and really explained the product to me, how it works, what flavours would best suit me etc.
    All in all a really fantastic product and I’m surprised to see so many bad reviews. It stopped me smoking so I’m a huge fan. My husband is now considering stopping too so I plan on a nice holiday with the money we save

  16. Very poor product.Its the same set up as a VIP/Elite/Neatcigs & more. Skycig has no throat hit at all and produces little if any vapour. Nothing like smoking the real thing. Got no satisfaction at all of it was left wanting to smoke a real cigarette.Taste was pleasant enough but nead the throat hit and lots of vapour. Still have to say that VIP are the best brand I use on a daily basis. Nothing else has come close to VIP for satisfaction.

  17. For a newbie it was all a bit confusing mainly as I didn’t read the really easy instructions, doh You charge the black carry case which looks like a black fag packet, even opens in the same way. The case allows you to have a back up supply of cartridges and batteries and you can have one cig on charge whilst you smoke the other one, there are car chargers, mains chargers etc in the pack. When the cig needs recharging it flashes 20 times, when you overdo the nicotine it flashes twice and cuts out, which is really good feature as I wasn’t sure how many puffs equaled a fag so puffed on it most of day 1. Easy to assemble, light weight and the coffee & cherry flavors are yummy. The black case has a nice finish to it soft to the touch. Vapour has been good, good enough that I haven’t touched a fag since I started!! All I can say is love it, and believe me I have tried everything from needles in the face to brain washing and this actually worked!!! I see there were delivery issues, mine arrived within a few days so this is obviously sorted now. Bit concerned about the website as on one screen it shows its all out of stock then in the checkout screen it appears. Having been a smoker for 25 years I know what its like to run out so I bought extra cases and batteries and am now about to open a shop with the number of cartridges I have stock piled. Would be helpful though it there was a battery level indicator so you knew when it was gonna run out, on the cigs as well as the pack, like on a mobile. But 30 a day to 0 a day cant be bad.

  18. Potentially a very good product, everything sounds good until you have had it a while then it all goes wrong! Battery life poor, inconsistent and eventually fall apart. Cartomisers often don’t work at all or run dry quickly. Charging cases don’t hold power after only a few re-charges. Customer service very slow to respond, give various excuses for faults and then want to charge you for returning faulty products. I so wanted this UK made product to work but could not recommend to anyone!

  19. My kit arrived with the batteries partly charged so I was able to sample the various flavours that came with the kit. I wasn’t impressed, they all had a similar fausty taste, and were weak in strength – most of the time it felt like I was inhaling fresh air.
    I connected the charging case to the power adaptor and left it on charge until the lights on the side changed colour to indicate that it was fully charged.
    After half an hour the first battery ran out of charge so I swapped to the other one which ran out after a few puffs.
    Then the fun started. I connected a battery to the charging box but nothing happened, no flashing tip and no change in the colour of the light on the box to indicate charging was in progress. I left it for a couple of hours just in case it was charging anyway, but it hadn’t – the battery was as flat as a pancake. So I tried to charge the second battery, again no joy.
    I emailed Skycig customer services telling them exactly what the problem was. I got a lengthy reply back (which totally ignored what I had told them) which contained all sorts of blowing into the battery etc. instructions. I tried them all but the batteries refused to charge.
    So I rang customer services and spoke to a rude and arrogant lady who tried everything she could to convince me that it was my fault ! Eventually she grudgingly agreed that the charging case may be fault and I would have to send it back to them for ‘testing’, but she couldn’t resist the blatant lie ” it is a unique problem that we have never experienced before – these cases are really reliable” (this forum firmly gives the lie to that statement !).
    I asked her how she could tell, over the phone, that the case was faulty and not the batteries and she replied that it is usually the case (neatly contradicting her earlier statement about the reliability of the cases !).
    I suggested that it would be sensible to send back the case AND the batteries, so they could test all the components of the charging process but she flatly refused to accept that, saying that to send the batteries and the case is ‘against company policy’. I told that I found that a ridiculous policy and that I would be less than impressed if I subsequently had to send the batteries back separately. I sent off the case. Four days later I had received no contact from them so I rang them again. I spoke to a different lady this time, one who was at least polite, but who told me that they had no record of receiving my faulty box. She asked me to wait another day or so to see if it arrives. I then told her that I had got one of their own brand usb chargers and tested my batteries with it. Neither would charge. So it is now clear that the batteries are both faulty. She told me I would have to send them back too ! I suggested to her that, in view of all the hassle I had experienced. perhaps they would send me replacement batteries when they send me the replacement charging case, but she was having none of that and bleated out the ‘against company policy’ script.
    It is quite clear that Skycig know full well that they are selling rubbish and have a policy of making the replacement of faulty items as onerous and time-consuming as possible in the hope that their customers will just give up, stand the loss and put it down to experience.

  20. It helped kick off my will to give up and motivated me to do some research and find the right product for me.Sometimes the higher initial investment is better in the long term and works out cheaper. These look like a nice easy option but unfortunately disappointed both in use and build quality.

  21. I cant recommend these SkyCigs, There are far better kits out there and many can be refilled to save money.

  22. This product is crap, I bought this back In march via Group on for £25 , thank god I never paid the £50 they charge that will not last as long as 3 fags.3 replacement charging cases and non have lasted a day, 2 cigs , 1 charger, never have I had one full day from this product. Just complained about 3rd faulty charging case, sent back at my own expense, refund For postage is now been credited to my account? What account . Never had a cig that charged cig to refill challenge! Requested refund of postage and in convince to be sent with one pack of cartridges and declined from company . I can have free shipping, eh no thanks, off to trading standards me thinks Go to NHS for nicotine replacement this is not it.

  23. I ordered this as there was a deal going with Groupon, and it was a good price to try out this brand, as they are way too pricey to buy when you havent experienced them before. The delivery was within a week.

    The packaging cannot be faulted, packaged almost like a premium jewellery box. The build of the charger and cigs are good too, although with a weird violet led on them, but, where it really lets itself down is the taste!

    I’m not a fan of menthol, but they seemed passable enough, however, the tobacco varieties taste can only be described as a hazlenut/coffee flavour, very unconvincing and ultimately what put me off this brand, I won’t be buying from them again.

  24. in all my years of being a smoker i have at no point ever tasted anything so disgusting, the refills have no taste of a cigarettes at best it made me want to vomit, i would like to stop smoking but your product is nothing but a con.
    it would have been nice if they even tasted like a cigarette but they don’t

    i threw them strait into the bin where i feel they belong, they deserve no stars rating at all

  25. my partner went on to sky cig was impressed by them however when the first one he purchased did’nt work from day one he then bought another and they ended up faulty sent them back first class a week ago and they say they have not yet received them but royal mail said they should’ve received them bye now

  26. I was attracted to the product by the low price introductory offer and the rapid delivery of this and a subsequent order. I have reported the faulty wall charger to the company and hope that they can ensure that no one else has the same problem. The company offered me a replacement but I declined because I have several other compatible chargers at home. My experience with customer service was very good.

    Battery life is not as good as some others that I have tried so you may need to buy two. Charging time is about an hour.

    The really good thing for me is the flavour of the Crown cartridges which are the best that I have tried so far. I use E-lites as a back-up despite their flavour not being quite as good as Sky-Cig

  27. My first introduction to e-cigs. There are FAR better alternatives like a Riva Deluxe 1100, which is cheaper, produces more vapor and has better batteries.
    My Freedom case stopped charging the battery after 6 weeks.
    When I contacted customer services they blatantly ignored the Sale Of Goods Act- I argued that the case wasn’t “fit for purpose” and wanted a refund.
    So far they have refused and will only replace it.
    Why would I want a replacement to a product that I feel is inferior to cheaper alternatives?
    I would stay WELL away from this awful company.
    In summary:
    Poor Quality product at rip off prices with TERRIBLE customer service.

  28. I used to be a secretive smoker as my partner hated the smell and thought of smoking. I have tried several times (all unsuccessfully) to quit and found it extremely difficult (especially when I’m stressed).

    The kit was recommended by a friend and I can’t thank them enough. I can smoke the Skycig anywhere and even at home in front of my partner. Skycig has made quitting analogue cigarettes the easiest thing ever. I know I haven’t kicked the nicotine addiction, but it’s all the other chemicals and tar etc. that does the damage.

    Well done SkyCig!!

  29. AT FIRST I thought this product was great but then the reality of the product started showing.

    -The charging box started playing up and the customer service was appalling and would not address the issue.
    -Then there are the cartridges which constantly arrived having leaked throughout the packets (visible nicotine liquid). Customer Service said to send them back at my expense so they could weight them… they said there was nothing wrong even though It was obvious and I had the photographs. The service I received was appalling!

    I had recommended this product to friends as I was so pleased but now I warn people about them to save themselves the money and hassle.

    I have changed to another brand ‘JacVapour’ and couldn’t be happier.

  30. A very impressive egig, quite expensive but overall worth it. HOWEVER I returned two faulty cartridges which they say must have been lost in the post. Please HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD RETURNS ‘lost’?

  31. Charges reasonably quickly , you do have to stay on top of the charging. Unlike actual cigarettes I do have tendency to leave these in my trousers, always check your pockets before putting in the washing machine.

  32. Close enough to the real thing to break a 40-year smoking habit. Quality is pretty awful, had to return two freedom cases before i got once which worked. Battery life awful. (Tip: I bought a USB battery charger which works really well, and I can charge two batteries at the same time. My mobile phone charger works on the freedom pack, too). Cartridges are variable. Sometimes I get one which lasts two days, at other times they come out of the pack apparently empty. Customer service and postage speed are also very variable. Once you overcome all this and get the thing to work, it does a good job and definitely works out cheaper than buying cigarettes in the UK.

  33. This is my second review as my first referred to the poor customer service received by Skycig.

    The good bit: Finally received my Skycig, and I must give credit where it’s due – it’s good. I like the product. The build quality seems fine, everything works as it should and I can quite understand why people praise electronic cigarettes in general. I never thought I’d get used to it, but I’m really surprised.

    The bad bit: Decided to purchase an extra battery (88mm – orange tip) and guess what? No stock. They haven’t had any stock for over a week now. I received a reply to my failed order stating that ‘due to a logistics issue…blah blah blah’.

    Why oh why do Skycig manage to continually frustrate their customers? It’s as if they do it on purpose. You supply electronic cigarettes for heavens sake, it only comes in two parts (batttery and cartomiser), yet the main part is out of stock???? Just to infuriate the customer a little more, you also can’t say when they will be back in stock.

    I honestly believe that Skycig must have another business and this is just a sideline as I cannot fathom how they can spend so much revenue on advertising, yet offer the customer such a poor service once they get them on board. I am a new customer, I want to buy an additional consumable, yet you’re leaving me no option than to change my brand/supplier due to continued let-down. You must be losing customers to competitors hand over fist.

    Well done Skycig – not for your product, but for how you manage to stay in business. It’s beyond me.

  34. I haven’t had a tobacco cig for 6 months and I have absolutely no craving for one which is fantastic as I had a 30 a day habit. The hit I get from the skycig completely satisfies my need to smoke but i never feel a craving like i did with tobacco cigs The rechargeable case is great as you can recharge on the go but more importantly you are not concerned about running out. I enjoy my skycig but I no longer have that awful craving for a tobacco cig and I can enjoy visiting my non smoking friends as they have no problem with my e-cig as there is no odor. My tobacco cig craving gone – fantastic

  35. I ordered it on a thursday and received it on the saturday super fast delivery really pleased
    This is the second day of using and i have not had one cigarette, can’t belive it i was a smoker for 18 years this product is excellent, i used menthol filter’s in my roll ups so i bought the extra menthol cartridges but found them not very nice, i tried the cherry and was so suprised the taste is brilliant and really smooth on your throat, i have only had to charge the battery’s twice in one day compared to so many other review’s mine have worked perfect the cartidges have lasted for two day’s swithing the menthol and cherry i would definatly reccomend this product thanks skycig.

  36. Great concept – but the delivery problems experienced by so many make it useless. I have today received an email ‘you’ve got you’re Skycig – start time to experience Skycig freedom’. Well, ‘no’ I haven’t yet received my product, so ‘no’, I’m certainly not experiencing ‘Skycig freedom’.

    Why spend thousands on marketing, getting customers on board just to let them down with a second-rate delivery service? It surely can’t be that difficult to pick and dispatch a Skycig product efficiently. It’s not like we’re asking for a hand-built sofa to be manufactured and delivered.

    This is clearly a situation where a company has put the cart before the horse. If Skycig have money to burn, they can gladly send it my way. As such, I can’t recommend the product offered by Skycig, and will be very surprised if we see them still in business in the coming years, in what is now a very competitive market.

  37. this was one of my first ventures into Electric cigerettes and they seemed really good to begin with, there a great size the flavours are pretty descent and initially the amount of vapor and taste felt superb. But I then discovered that the cartomizers don’t last long enough and I was using around 4-5 a day to feel satisfied and at £9 for a pack of 5 this made it more expensive then real tobacco !!!. The other let down is the battery life, I needed to buy 2 of their charging cases and alternate between them to keep up with my habbit and have used up and had to replace 6 batteries in 3 months. I think if your a light smoker (10 cigs a day) then you would probably find this product to be brilliant but if like me you don’t want the hassle of charging battery’s all the time and spending a fortune on carts then I would look at something else.
    I’ve just ordered a Vgo2 VV from jac vapour and I’m hoping this will better suit my needs.

  38. It looks great, the idea of being able to charge and have a case to carry your cig batteries in is good, but as stated above only been using the product for 4 weeks now and i already have had a replacement charging case and 2 new cig batteries. The new charge case after only charging once is already refusing to charge any of the 4 cig batteries ive had!!
    So frustrating, sending them all back today and demanding a refund!.
    While waiting for my charge case to come back i had to spend £35 on Gamuci bits and bobs that they sell at my local supermarket. This lasts so much longer but im finding the flavour and vapour production not as good as the Sky-cig.

    Favourite thing about the sky-cigs the flavour of their Crown Tobacco, tastes slightly of coffee and as i LOVE coffee its great, but thats just personal taste.

    Its very very frustrating when you have made the decision to stop smoking normal cigs that the product just didnt perform as hoped.

    Gonna give Green Smoke ago, fingers crossed.

  39. I changed from 10 motives to skycig as it was cheap on groupon site. But it took 2 weeks to arrive. Now I require cartridges. Will be looking at 8 days. Cartridges are t cheap either.

    Try another company. Don’t bother with skycig.

  40. at the moment am trying to get used to skycig. Find the battery life not that great. when the cartridge is coming to its end it tastes like burning rubber. to avoid this i change cartridge early.
    skycig cartridges are expensive and this just adds to the cost. I still smoke the real thing so now am getting double nicotine. am thinking of trying the jacvapour mini but out of stock at moment would like to see accessories like other brands

  41. Sent this back because (unopened) of the bad reviews and just had to pay postage,

    and got the JackVaper instead,yet to review not all good……….They is one thing that

    puzzles me which is………..can they kit (Skycig) really be that bad, are or people just

    competing to find faults? It dose look value for money.

  42. I absolutely love Shycig but am seriously considering looking for another e-cig whose company can deliver a better overall service.

  43. i love the fact that you can charge them up and they are in a neat packet so you will always have them on the go. the main reason why i bought this is that i now work in an office and i wanted to cut back which i have by almost half before i had this i used to feel i smoked too much but now i generally alternate between a real one and a e-cig class a products best thing invented for years

  44. Of all the electronic cigarettes I have tried, this is closest to the real thing and it looks the part too. No longer do you have to suffer the “sucking on a marker pen” look. However, after placing my intiial order I found a number of bad reviews (including the reviews on this site) and I contacted Skycig to ask them to cancel my order. Contact was made within 3 hours of placing my order (Skycig ask customers to do this…) but Skycig refused to refund me and then bluffed and blustered while they hastily shipped the package instead. Not at all impressed.

    When the package arrived I decided to give it a go anyway and first impressions were great. As already mentioned, the e-cigs look like the real thing and the charger case looks great as well. As a smoking experience they are head and shoulders above any other e-cig that I’ve tried. Build quality, however, is unbelievably awful. My charger case stopped working within 2 days and now Skycig have gone quiet on me. Spotting a pattern here anyone? Quick to take your money, somewhat less than quick to provide proper customer service and I see that this is a common experience.

    Heaven knows where these things are made but they must be made in the cheapest, most corner-cutting fashion for so many people to have so many bad experiences with the quality of this product. I am genuinely amazed that I could spend £40-£50 and find that my Freedom pack has gone wrong within a week.

    The customer service “team” (I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually one bloke and a dozen aliases) are long on platitudes (when they do respond that is) and incredibly short on delivery. Consequently, my impression of Skycig is that we have a business which is intended to make a quick buck and scarper. I hope I am wrong but Skycig needs to radically improve its product quality and customer support if it is going to retain a position in this growing market.

  45. Ii wasn’t that easy to move to ecigs. Making sure I had enough ecigs charged ready to go. Not knowing how much charge was left before it needed recharging. Mostly, habitual problems.
    Now I like the flavour of the product, it’s look and ease of use.
    The charging box is a bit hit and miss and the connection to recharge the ecig is rather temperamental!
    The build quality overall is very good.
    Costs a competitive compared to cigarettes.
    I am sure once I have worked out the habitual problems I will be able to give up proper smoking.
    Sky Cig is good but I would like to try some others to be able to compare. Having said that it could be an expensive try out each time.

  46. its easy to set up with its own charging box which stores everything inside so you are rarely caught short when i first started using it i got a cough but i think this was more to cutting down on real cigs you have to practise at first cause its a little different to smoking but once i got the hang of it it was fine although i have only tried the med tobacco and the menthol i dont think the flavour is great (i got these with my starter pack)i do intend to try the cinammon and maybe in the bold strength as i am still smoking 5 real cigs a say (cut down from 15) if i have the extra kick in the strength in the morning it might satisfy me and help me stop altogether i would recommend this product purely for the convenience of the packaging as a lot of friends have gone back to smoking cause battery ran out on theirs

  47. I bought my first skycig kit just over a year ago, I failed miserably the first time as to be fair I wasn’t ready to stop and only bought it with a code which gave me the kit for dirt cheap. Last month I purchased more cartridges, set my date and have not had a real cig since.

    I am now 3 weeks clear having not touched a real cig. I am currently using a mixture of 12mg cherry, vanilla and cinnamon having cut down from the 18mg last week. To be honest I haven’t noticed much difference between the two amounts. Skycig are growing too quick and their customer service is letting them down slightly. They now rarely offer discount codes for existing customers which annoys me.

    I have heard that vapour lite cartridges also fit their batteries though. Having just spoke to customer services who responded to a complaint email from me they have given me free shipping and 10% off for being a moan ! Although I did order £48 worth of cartridges (6 boxes of 5). Skycig are by far the best in my eyes, the freedom to smoke box is good quality and holds three spare cartridges a spare battery on charge and your in use ecig. Delivery is ok too with reasonably quick postage. They are also advertising selling in local shops now but be aware these only stock disposable kits not refills etc.

    They have told me however that they have offers starting next week for stop smoking day and also a loyalty scheme kicking in either this week or next. I have tried a couple of other brands like magicig and elites, I prefer the size of skycig as they are a realistic size whereas the others were not and I felt a bit ashamed to be seen with them. My skycigs always bring attention when out and about and I have been asked and referred a number of people to them.

    So all in all I am impressed with skycig and if your reading this and not sure what to do, buy them you won’t look back and you will enjoy the taste and not smelling anymore. I am also now back running with another half marathon planned in the next few months. I wonder if skycig will sponsor me with a vest for the run ? Or even ecigclick.????

    I am not posting this review to win to the free kit as I like what I am using, I am posting as I want to help others make the right decision and stop smoking the easy way.

  48. out of 10 ile give it 8 but its all about the individual, i got all my mates on it where i work but only me and 2 others av kicked it…shud get a bargain now with the custom ive got you

  49. this product doesn;t satisfy my nicotine needs. very small and does not hold a charge well. One battery didnt even work. Poor vapour when exhaling i dont want to write any more.

  50. Started using Skycig after a BBC feature about a month ago and was amazed at the realism. After trying the £15 starter pack I was back ordering more refills/batteries within an hour. A week later the first battery stopped working and one of the cartomizers arrived with nothing in it, so I decided on some research and found this site, aha! I’m now informed! Currently trying the vgo2 900 auto, much bigger but now that I’m addicted to vaping instead of smoking, that’s no problem.
    The size of the skycig is perfect if a little heavy for an authentic experience, holding it in your mouth for example is only possible if you bite it, which made my teeth ache in no time at all cause its made of metal.
    The flavours are excellent (esp cherry) most of the time! they can vary a little and how long the cartomizers last can also be hit and miss. On the whole though pretty good, although the price saving they state on the website is a bit optimistic. Claiming that one 12mg cartridge is equivelent to 30 cigarettes worth of nicotine means I should have got 1-2 days from each, but I ended up on 2 a day. I think I read somewhere that the nicotine absortion rate is a bit lower than with tobacco so if you smoke a reasonable strength cig like I did (L&B) go with the 18mg “Bold” as the 12mg felt more like Silk Cut.
    It’s also tempting to “chain-smoke” as you don’t come to a natural end and stubb anything out, it’ll just keep going till it runs out, which I did once and got just over an hour out of a freedom battery, (which is how long they take to charge) and went through most of a cartomizer but at that rate my smoking costs would have sky-rocketed!!
    To summerize then, a fantastic start to e-cigs as they give a viable alternative to tobacco and they are ‘plug-n-play’ easy to use. But I found other things to be better suited for me. As I’ve got the kit though, I’ll probably still go back for a bit of cherry (did I mention it’s quite nice?)

  51. I just called customer services because one of the many packets of cartridges I ordered was leaking and I got five puffs out of the cartridges before they were empty. As its Friday and I didn’t want to run out over the weekend I asked them to stick a replacement in the post first class so I would get it tomorrow.
    Not only was I told that they won’t do that for me I was also told to go and buy a disposable one for £7.50 and use that instead. Then they wanted me to send the faulty one back (wich I am happy to do) on my expense then they need to test the goods and only then they might replace the faulty goods. Which takes weeks. I explained that I am happy to send the goods back but could they in the meantime send me the replacement. The answer was no. When I asked to speak to a manager I got told that there wasn’t one about but a supervisor would call me back but they would only tell me the same thing.
    So I had to leave skycig and I am back with VIP who have never let me down . So unfortunately a customer lost for skycig.
    One packet replacing was too much for skycig they rather loose the customer. Very poor performance. Ps been on electronic cigarettes for 9 months now and tried various companies. Skycig came out the worst.

  52. I Iloved and so did hubby that sky cig worked…..but alas very short lived, less than a day .
    Replacement battery ordered after faulty one sent back. This took three weeks!!!
    New battery arrives, worked for a few puffs and then noticed charger was not working properly as not changing colour. So new charger arrives and guess what it lets us know battery is fully charged. Another faulty battery, great hubby desperate by now……still not working.
    Do we go through the long hopeless process of emailing and phoning skycig again ?,(will be eighth time!) i think not.
    Such a shame as if the products were of a high standard and sky cig were more interested in the customer and not the money they make, i think this could have worked and i would live in a smoke free zone. Not Happy!

  53. Skycig: oh dear. In a nutshell and after persevering with the product for 4 months, it was a terrible experience.
    – Batteries don’t last long;
    – Daft charging process
    – cartomisers often arrived having leaked fluid
    – cartomisers never lasted very long; sometimes changed them 3 times daily and I was not a heavy user.
    – flavours were poor / inconsistent, sometime awful.
    – skycig customer service is NON-EXISTENT. I made a couple of complaint by email to them and never received a response. Disgustingly poor. I can’t recommend highly enough that buyers stay awy from this awful company. Total rip-off and they still get away with taking your/my money? Not mine anymore ;0)

    • Best thing it stopped me smoking, but the batteries are rubbish I had 6 bought new in June this year and have not used sky cigs all the time mostly I have used Green Smoke . Have just had to buy two new batteries to use up 15 cartomisers I had left hope they last that long. Then I will stick with Green Smoke, their batteries that were also bought in June still going strong despite being used more.

  54. I really wanted to love the product, and at first I did. The starter pack took a while to be delivered but when it arrived was pretty pleased with it and the carts that came with it. I had ordered extras though and that is where the problems began. In a box of 5 carts, one lasted a day, one an hour or so and three not at all, they had that rancid taste from the very beginning. I called Skycig, and they asked me to post them back to them before they would be replaced. Reluctantly I did, and at my cost posted the faulty ones back.. Long story short, 4 patronising and unsympathetic phone calls and 3 emails later they returned the carts after a mighty 3 and half weeks. It would have been nice if they had sent a box of 5 as it had taken so long but I got three loose carts rolling around an A4 envelope.

    I had, of course, strayed to another brand in that time. but with new carts in hand gave them the benefit of the doubt and tried again. Same issues, the carts are unreliable – it is like a game of Russian roulette so at least they provide some entertainment. At £10 for a pack of 5 carts, it could more expensive than smoking the real things when only a couple of them work properly. I have bought another couple of boxes from a local retailer (silly I know) and each pack has had unreliability issues.

    I only write this review as it is thanks to the other reviewers that I have decided to jump ship again and head to another brand today.

  55. This company is an absolute disgrace and is getting away with it, I have the same problems as most of you, sometimes it works, but more often it doesn’t, and when I complained, very politely, I was more or less told, like it or lump it, so I am going to write to “watch dog” I hope all you fellow complainers will do the same, even if we don’t get our money back, we might stop other people losing theirs.

  56. I just want to warn people about the quality of the freedom pack and the issues you will have with getting it replaced. I have had 2 now, one broke within 2 days and the second lasted three weeks. They are refusing to replace the box without me firstly sending it off for repair, despite me informing them that i am on holiday next week and will NEED a working box. This is the level of service i get after being a loyal customer for a year AND spending well over £1000 on this product.

  57. Contacted Customer service and they accepted to replace the case but after I return the broken one! That means staying without cig’s for a week!!!!

    This is stupid as it means return to normal cigarettes after stopping them for good.

  58. The Skycig was the first ecig I tried and loved it a year ago, didn’t even need a real smoke but now all that’s changed: The batteries are defective, the cartomisers don’t work on some batteries but do on others. Customer service is shocking; they treat their customers as if they are simple minded by informing how to screw a battery into the charger and the cartomisers into the battery. DOH, I’ve been using this product for over a year so I think I know how to put them together.
    The times I’ve had two or three cartomisers that don’t work!!! I eventually went back to cigarettes because of the inadequacy of the product.
    I have stopped using the Skycig.
    I tried the Olympian, which was great vale but not enough drag but ecig wizard has superb customer after sales service.
    I have just bought The Totally Wicked Tornado Tank from a tobacconist in York – it is fantastic. I will never use anything else from this day forth. The battery life is seven to ten hours for me. The vape is incredible. The battery is a lot bigger than a Skycig but it should not put anyone off. The cartomisers are see through so you can see how much liquid is left. One cartomiser sees me through a full day.
    In summary: stay away from Skycig: Too expensive, poor product and shocking customer service.

  59. I would not have felt the need to make these comments had the customer service not been so bad . The product is reasonable value for money but the problems start with returns . You have to send the faulty product back at your own expense ( refundable if fault proven ) and no replacement is sent until they have examined it , about 3 weeks . As I had a faulty charger this effectively makes the product unusable .
    When I challenged there service I got a very curt and dismissive reply .

  60. is it me oar has sky cig gone down in quilty when i first start great i stated to have trouble when ordering batteries some didn’t work at all and some a few days yhese were the mnii batts. then i brought the new sky cig freedom and the charging socket broke after 3 weeks not very good. so i am know using my old pcc with 1mini and 1 large battery .

  61. When I first tried Skycig I was impressed. However, the battery runs out really quickly as well as the cartridges. I can see the novelty in having a case which charges the cigs when you’re on the go but actually I find this to be annoying. In order to charge my cig I have to charge the box and THEN charge the cig!

    I like the vapour when it’s all charged but it just doesn’t last long enough.
    I like the basic tobacco flavour at full strength, but all the others are really sweet and sickly and not that pleasurable at all.

    Build quality is good, but overall it’s a poor experience.

  62. My wife & I have been using Skycigs for just over a year.

    Overall they’ve been very good. Neither of us have smoked a real cig since we went with Skycig.

    However, the new ‘Freedom’ charging cases seem to have a problem. The socket where you plug the wire in is very weak. After a couple of weeks it will break off (inside the box). So far this has happened to both of our freedom boxes. Skycig have replaced them (usual RMA hassles & nonsense), but the replacements are just as bad. 1 of them jas already failed in the same way, and the other feels like its just about to.

    Its a shame, as the new ‘Freedom’ batteries are excellent. Much stronger and longer lasting than the old ones.

  63. i really liked this company at the start but i think they changed the receipe of the refills was going thru 5 a day which works out dearer than fegs . complained on face book so they deleted me and my commented stopped using for 6 months went on to vip better but not by much restarted last week bought 6 packs of 5 lasted 6 days not good at all i have 3 sky cig boxes and 6 batteries for sale now will never use them again

  64. I’ve had nothing but trouble with their batteries which is very frustrating when you want a cigarette and can’t have one because BOTH your batteries are faulty. (Google “skycig battery problems” as loads of people seem to have this same problem with batteries not lasting for very long). SKyCig will not replace last faulty batch (a pack of 2 Freedom batteries) as “out of warranty” (we ordered them on 8th November 2012, received them on 14th November, I only started using mine on 6th December and it packed up on 12th December, by which time my partners battery had packed up as well). SO I only got 6 days use out of mine, and my partner got less than 30 days use out of his. (30 day Warranty is from date of order, and not date of delivery, so the longer your parcel takes to arrive the more this eats into your warranty time!!!). I know delivery times are out of the control of SkyCig, but it is hardly the customers fault either if a parcel takes several days to arrive (which seems to be another common problem with SkyCig if you do some research). If you are trying to give up smoking, do NOT use SKyCig as when your batteries pack up, you will end up going out for a packet of cigarettes.
    (email responses below to some of our problems……)

    Finleigh, Dec 17 09:04 am (GMT):

    Dear xxxxxxx,

    Thank you for contacting SKYCIG.

    We apologise for the issues you are having. The warranty begins from the day of purchase. Unfortunately now it is out width warranty – we cannot replace this for you.

    We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience and we thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards


    SKYCIG Support Team
    Support @
    www. SKYCIG .

    Dec 16 12:37 pm (GMT):

    I started using SkyCig in May 2012 when we ordered 2 starter packs (and had trouble with the initial batteries, which seems to be a common problem reading all the reviews I have researched).
    My partner ordered a 2 pack of the big batteries on 8th November (which you made an error on as you only sent him 1). You did rectify this, however the 2 batteries we received have stopped working. My partner emailed you on 13th December and you stated that your battery warranty was for 30 days and the batteries he ordered were on 8th November. I actually only started using my battery on 6th December (I keep a written log of when I start using batteries and for how long I smoke so I can see how long a charge lasts and i have been doing this since starting on SKyCig in May). So My battery only actually lasted for 7 days. You seem to have a problem with batteries/suppliers, which is why I am reluctant to use SkyCig again.

    Finleigh, Jun 05 09:46 am (BST):

    Dear xxxxxx,

    I apologise sincerely for the issues you have experienced.

    We would like to find a long term solution for this issue as we can see from your previous emails that this has been an issue for quite some time and this should not be the case.

    Thank you and Best Regards



    SKYCIG Support Team
    Support @
    www. SKYCIG
    , Jun 04 05:54 pm (BST):

    Hi again
    Received the 2nd replacement battery and I cant believe I am making yet another complaint about the quality of the battery.

  65. Firstly – its not a bad product – tastes great and I didn’t smoke another ciggie from the minute I picked it up.

    I’d say i was a moderate vapour but I need 4 batteries a day. It stared off with two a day when they were new but after about 6 weeks they really tailed off. Now, after 3 months they last maybe 30-40 puffs and at £12.99 I’m going to try another brand rather than reorder.

    Don’t be put off if you’re a new starter, it’s a great and effective product, it’s just that it’s an entry point and not a life-long product. If they could sort out the batter life I’d probably give them 5* overall.

    5* as a starter product
    1* for durability.

    Give them a go – you can pick up discout codes to get the starter kit for under £20 and at that price it’s 3-4*

    At full price? 1*

  66. I can only echo the other reviewers negatives.
    If you are a light ’10 a day’ smoker, this cigalike may be for you, if you can find a E-Liquid in their range you will like, the supplied ‘sleeves’ are frankly awful, un pleasant aftertastes in the tobacco range, the Menthol and Cherry taste like cheap sweets.
    If you are serious about taking up ‘Vaping’ look at other cigalike types that you can obtain separate E-liquids, this will not be as easy and convenient to use, but you will be rewarded with a better experience.

  67. At this present time i am nowhere near saving the money that they recon i would… The cartridges leak (in the box) and also when you put them in the charger case. prob due to evaporation (I can assure you that there is nowhere near equivelant of 30 cigs)

    for a day of smoking you will require 4 batteries (thier supposidly Longer lasting ones) and two charger cases. this may just get you through the day..

    I have however given up smoking cigs completely but if i dont find another product soon will pro end up going back to cigs.

    Customer service is also not that good.

  68. I am trying to use this product since approx. 2 years now and had mostly problems with it. As with everyone else the starter kit I received was great and worked just fine. Batteries I bought since then just suck. Last shipment of batteries none was working at all. Cartomizers you are lucky to find one in the shipment which is properly charged and in good condition. If they work one cartomizer lasts me 24 hours. Last shipment if I find a working one, it is at least 2 to 3 cartomizers in 24 hours. Therefore the saving is not there at all.
    Placed and order 10 days ago which has never been shipped. After inquiring you just get the information that they are sorry and will ship the following week! WTF They had had no problem charging the order….
    Meanwhile I have found batteries which fit the skycig cartomizers at 2 other companies where the batteries work much better. So just go to google you can by them somewhere else. Actually got them with free shipping also. So far I am still searching for cartomizers with a good taste. Once I have found that, skycig will not see me again.
    Had to go back to real ones 3 times now due to the absolutely unreliable shipping. That and the poor quality of equipment just defeats the point.
    It could be a good product. I do not understand why they do not care a bit more.

  69. This product suits me as it feels ike a Fag. Everything about the Brand from the Box and the whole experience. Tried E lites first to expensive, Product quilty is very cheap and Flavours are not Great. I feel that SKYCIG is the product that is the closest to a Fag. Also the Cusomer service and delivery was in good time

  70. I purchased a starter kit from a shop, to try as an alternative to e lites as sky cigs were and arer cheaper. i found out the cartridges ran out quicker (alot quicker) than e lites and were no way the 30 cigarettes worth advertised. also i found the batteries ran out alot quicker than e lites.
    Basicly i just went back to elite as they are a better product

  71. Seems to be an awful lot of negative comments about skycig and I must say I’m surprized, here is my experience with them. I am 48 years old and have been smoking since I was 12, so thats 36 years as a smoker of Golden Virginia roll ups. In July 2012 I ordered the skycig starter kit which was on offer for about £15 I think, arrived within 2 days and after a couple of days trial I started using it full time instead of real fags and now approaching Xmas 2012 I havent smoked or craved a real fag since so I can only praise the product. A week after recieving my first starter kit I bought a second while the introductory offer was still on so I have a total of two charging cases and four batteries. each night I plug a case in to the mains and in the morning I load it with filled cartomisers and screw in a battery to charge, pop a ready built fag (i.e. battery & cart) in the charger case too and that does me all day till bedtime when I plug in my other charging case for an overnight charge and so on. If you were to keep reordering new cartomisers as skycig would want you to do it would indeed be very expensive but I simply buy E liquid online and keep refilling my own, after a few weeks the cartomisers do start to taste a bit yukky and then you order new ones and yes these are pricey but still cheaper than smoking I would say.

  72. This is an honest review by the way.

    I bought a Skycig starter pack with the new ‘Freedom’ battery (supposedly longer lasting/more vapour) to go with my other SkyCig set received as a gift.

    Of the four batteries I now own, two of them are completely faulty and do not charge at all. You contact customer services and you just get fobbed off and told that they ‘don’t last very long anyway and you should just buy a new one’. They deliberately procrastinate in responding to emails and then say “Whoops, sorry your 30 day warranty is up, bad luck son, you will have to buy more” This is what they are like seriously.

    Now on to the charging. The charging pack allegedly allows you to recharge your battery four times after charging the charging pack via the mains. (Sounds complicated, but it’s not to be fair) The light on the back flashes randomly so you never really know if the battery is charged, After charging though, the batteries last maybe 20 or 30 puffs which is pathetic. It could be that the charger is faulty but what would I know. SkyCig will just say it is me not using it properly.
    However, with the new set I bought, you get a USB charger which works fine and the light changes to green so you know the battery is charged. I honesty don’t see the point in the charger pack thing when the USB is 100% more reliable and effective.

    The smoking itself. Well, at first you will think, “This is great!” a fresh charged battery and fresh cartridge gives plenty of vapour and all the flavours taste good. However, after about 10 puffs the vapour is non existent. After about 30 puffs the battery is dead and you start again. Only now, your cartridge is no longer fresh and you hardly get any vapour. The vapour you do get tastes like burnt plastic and the the flavour (Vanila, Tobacco, Cherry etc) is long gone.

    In total, I swear to God you get about 20 good drags, 20 rubbish drags and then about 20 horrible, disgusting burnt plastic drags and it’s done. The claim that each cartridge is worth a packet of 20 cigarettes IS AN ABSOLUTE DESPICABLE LIE and comes nowhere close. The cartridge is maybe worth 50p, not the 2 quid each you pay for them. Honestly, they work out to be a LOT more expensive than smoking real cigarettes and that’s without having to fork out to replace the faulty hardware they refuse to replace.

    Overall, DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT, Very poor value, very poor build quality and a very dissatisfying experience all round. SkyCig staff are rude and unhelpful and this company don’t deserve anyone’s business, trust me.

    Once I have used up all my carts (won’t take long) I will chuck the whole lot in the bin. £120 poorer but very much the wiser.

  73. thought sky cig was great when first arrived.after spending quiet a few hundred pounds with company we ordered the new freedom cig tried it fist day was great until went to charge and could not as charging box was faulty ,sent item back next day delivery only to find they have no new stock and cant say when it will be in . we have found customer care very poor have not been offered anything in replacement and the company are still taking money off customers and cannot fulfill there orders very upset after reccomending to lots of work freinds.

  74. I like SKYCIG as its the closest i find to the real thing. No other Ecig offers this. The others i have tried are to big and like a fountain Pen. No mess place the cartridge in an away you go, very smart and simple. I like a good smoke and i dont want to be messing with all the other fiddly bits so Skycig gives me this. The flavour i had was Crown Tobacco excellant coffee and Choc flavour i think. agin the flavour is close to a real fag.

    Battery life could be a little better but i got two so its fine and the case can be charged and the extra battery stays in thier so problem solved.

    Overall recommended.

    No contacted Customer service yet, but order came very quick 2 days.




  76. First bought them in January 2012. It beacame apparent by May 2012 that this was very expensive and like so may people have said, they are not only EXPENSIVE but do not last very long at all. I have now switched to another e-cig and am better of financially and the products are much better. I would not reccomend this product as they actually get hot and burn you lips after puffing for a few minutes. I do feel that they are not good value and would try JACVAPOUR if you want quality. See their reviews.

  77. My kit arrived quickly, all was well, my husband was deeply impressed and we ordered him one two days later, it took over a month to arrive and multiple emails BUT skycig refunded so he got a free starter kit
    The charging can be a bit fiddly but is simple and just takes practice
    Battery life not great but not awful either, you get two so one to use and one to charge makes is easily do-able
    Love the case, really good idea so you can be on the go all day and nowhere near a USB and it’s not a concern
    Flavours are ok, I researched and found other I much much prefer
    For me the biggy – these cartridges are refillable. Yes indeed, refillable. Just pop the top off (I use the prong of a fork) drip in CAREFULLY the ready mixed eliquid of your choice – available online from as little as £2.99 – pop the top back on and you are good to go!
    For me £2.99 a month, yes a month is value indeed. Now obviously we all smoked different amounts, prefer different flavours etc etc, so do your research and give it a go. YouTube has many many examples of how to refil cartridges, just don’t overfill and your cartridges will last for many months,
    To sum up, buy the kit cheaply, it’s currently only a tenner, KEEP the used cartridges and refil yourself. Bargain!
    Good Luck. I am over a year completely smoke free. If only someone could invent no-calorie junk food I would be sorted, sigh!

  78. Please do not go out and buy this product as you will regret it.
    The actual product is good- the battery life seems fine, the crown tobacco flavour is really nice- a bit like coffee, the product is also compact which is great.
    My starter pack was sent with a faulty cartridge- I still have not received a replacement or refund and I received the pack two weeks ago. So far it is emails backwards and forwards offering vouchers or suggestions on how to fix it. If you buy a product from a shop which is faulty, you can take it back and get a refund or replacement- this is not the case with Skycig.
    I saw the negative reviews before I bought the product and ignored them thinking ‘it’ll be fine!’ don’t make my mistake!

    If you receive a working product then I have no doubt you will get on well with Skycig- do you really want to take the risk that if something goes wrong with it you cannot get a refund or replacement?

  79. Loved this product the first week I got it even ordered more and another battery too which would not charge properly customer service very poor and for this I would not buy this product again . Still have faulty battery but no joy with the customer service weeks later . This is the 2nd electronic cig I have bought and it was brill at first then started to charge batteries a lot more I would charge battery before leaving house and by 15 min journey was needing charged again. I liked the flavour very much and charging unit as well although it was a bit of a hassle getting battery into the right position to charge in case . Have now changed to another supplier jacvapour so far so good and they have a good customer service unlike this company still smoke the odd cig as I had some left but once they are finished I don’t think I will go back to the real cig as I now don’t like the taste

  80. Like most other reviews, it seems to me when the SkyCig batteries works and the Cartridges in good sahape, this is a decent product. I like the Cherry. But the batteries consistently stop holding a charge after a few uses, and the the cartridges do go to “burn” flavour and don’t last long – maybe tied to batterie problem.

    I am about to try the “new and improved” starter kit with slightly larger batteries and a claimed improvment in the cartridges. If that works, great, otherwise I am done with SkyCig.

  81. On my third attempt to quit smoking, I decided to try an e-cig. I ordered the starter kit from Skycig and when it came, one battery was a dud and the other worked for a couple of days then stopped completely.

    After jumping through hoops, I was told I’d be sent replacements. I stupidly ordered more cartridges at this point. The first replacement came and it was broken. The second one came – after I had to email them to remind them to send it because they’d forgotten – and it was orange tipped instead of the blue I’d ordered. But at least this one worked.

    I contacted them yet again. Long story short, I have had to deal with sarcastic and patronising staff who are clearly reading from a script and have more interest in not having their company look repsonsible for their mistakes than they do in actual customer satisfaction. I have also been pretty much called a liar for telling them the batteries were broken (apparently, it’s “unlikely” that they are. Reading the review here would suggest otherwise).

    As for the few cartridges I did get to use, the quality in the sample pack was far superior to the quality of the ones I paid for afterwards. The sample pack cartridges lasted a full 2 days. The next lot barely lasted half a day. I also had a couple that were so burned tasting from first puff that I couldn’t use them at all.

    The battery needs charged almost constantly.

    Even if you get lucky and don’t have all the problems I did with them, I still wouldn’t bother. It’s too expensive.

    I got a far superior kit that uses e-liquid and I’m much happier with that.

  82. I started using e-cigs in January 2012. Initially tried disposables bought in a local store and then took the plunge and went for a SKY CIG starter kit – stupidly I bought one without a discount code!
    Was really enthusiastic about the similarity to a real cigarette and found it easy peasy to quit smoking.
    Now for the dodge bits:
    I have had to purchase a further couple of starter packs in order that I carry three charging cases with me where ever I go as that is how many you need to keep all your batteries charged – as their charging time is pants!

    I can cope with that though – BUT, something has happened to the refil carto misers lately? They are crap! Some last literally 10 mins before they stop working. Some do not work at all – tis like inhaling thin air!

    I order quite a large number of refils in one go, rather than pay the rip off postal charge.
    Until approx 3 months ago – I would use one cartomiser per day religiously (and used to be a 20 a day smoker).
    More recntly I am using at least 4 x the amount. Ive just used 30 refills in one and a half weeks!

    I have sent an email to SKY CIGS to comment upon the quality of the refills and to ask if they have any suggestions? Was initailly given a reply telling me how to use the e-cigs???
    I responded telling the recipient I have been perfectly capable of using them for the past 10 months and have noticed they are not working properly now.
    Was then advised that could not be the case as ALL the products are stringently tested! I was invited to send them the dodgy cartomisers if I wanted?
    In view of the fact they have told me that in their view it is obviously ME that is doing something wrong and their items are perfect due to the testing process – what is the point in sending a heap of cartridges back at my expense??


    Ive just ordered my self a new starter pack with another company – so hopefully I’ll have better luck!


  83. had my sky cig for about a year now and have to say was very inprest the quality in the much earlier days was fantastic especially the cartridges however in most recent orders have been so dissapointing cartridges not working or cartridges that seem to leak the fluid into youre mouth which isnt pleasent at all so i myself and others i originally introduced to the sky cigs are changing brand and so maybe try looking into the e cigs that you put the e liquid into yourself as they work out much cheaper and at least then you no that the liquid is actually in the product but on a plus side i havent smoked since using e cigs but feel theres better brands out there especially since the customer support is rubbish when you have a problem

  84. i ordered mine and got one of their discount offers so was pleased with the price. when i got them and opened the cartridges they had leaked and i could taste the liquid nicotine. once i cleaned them up and tried them they were not bad. tasted ok and the smoke production was reasonable. but after about a week i found that the batteries didnt seem to be charging up properly – vapour production decreased to a light mist and the batteries lasted less than 30-40 minutes. i had tried had tried a couple of other brands and these were no better.

  85. Great starter kit. Unfortunately having had a total of five batteries in last two weeks 3 have totally failed and I a not sure about other two either as ‘burn’ cartridges, ie you get burnt taste very quickly. Also have two chargers and red light now never goes out, so I imagine these will fail too. Now use them occasionally for going out but to Vap at home I just use the Riva battery which lasts all day and almost feels like it will last years. Sorry Skycig but your batteries while neat are not fit for purpose.

  86. I ordered the full Skycig kit out of curiosity and with the intention of cutting down the need to be standing outside in the crap weather…however as soon as I tried it I actually preferred it to real smoking! I usually (sorry, used to) smoke roll ups. around 8-15 a day, but this electronic fag really does replace the need for real tobacco. The size is similar to a real cigarette and doesn’t take long to get used to. I can’t recommend it enough and have been telling everyone I know (have just ordered a kit for my dad!).
    I received my kit nearly two weeks ago and have not had a real cigarette since, but it hasn’t been an effort like when I have tried to stop before with patches, gum or even zyban. I have not even been tempted to smoke when having my wine, because I can sit on my settee instead of going outside. I can have have a crafty nicotine puff at work without setting off the smoke alarm, and my partner (who quit smoking two years ago) has stopped moaning about me stinking like a fag ash Lil. I’ve still got half a packet of bacca in the cupboard but I’m really not bothered…
    After less than two weeks without real cigs I feel less lethargic, my skin is looking better and I can taste and smell better. I’m enjoying food but not over eating, I think because of using the Skycig.
    Have to say though, make sure you order the full kit with two cigs (batteries) as you need to have one ready charged at all times. And order replacement cartridges early as Skycig don’t deliver quickly-I ordered online Friday night and didn’t receive until Wednesday, which caused me a little stress thinking I would run out…
    If you’ve got as far as reading e-cigarette reviews then you have enough inclination to stop smoking-make sure you trawl the internet before ordering though because there are some good Skycig discounts codes out there. Latest is DEFA-get full kit for £19.99 instead of £49.99.
    Good luck!

  87. Most of the flavours taste the same -burnt taste after few puffs – Carts do not last long and are expensive to buy some carts came and were leaking – Batteries do not last long – you are forever charging the case and the batteries – Very expensive for what you get ……£10.95 per 5 pack of carts !!! pack of carts will last you a week at the most 🙁

    I could go on and on ……..

  88. Love how it looks, feels and tastes. Stops my cravings straight away and find just a few drags does the trick. Like the menthol ones the best. The vanilla smells like a plug in air freshner (which makes the room smell nice) but tastes like a hot dog sausage, weird. Will carry on with the menthol though, lovely. I have been smoking since the age of 11 and am now 44 so if it works for me it should work for most 🙂

  89. I gave up smoking 11 months ago, and found I needed something, I was on 30 a day for 30 years! I keep my sky cig handy at home & use it most evenings.
    It has proved invaluable to me & I don’t ever think I’d light another cigarette.

  90. Love the fact I now dont smoke but hate the fact that by using skycig it now costs me more than smoking. The catridges dont work any where near what they claim…..To start with they were replaced but now they question me as if I am the problem!!!!READ THE REVIEWS SKYCIG ….EVERYONE SAYS THE SAME THING!!!! Battery life appaling….have bought 10 batteries and still struggling. Time to go to Jacvapour where you can refill the catridges yourself!!!!!

  91. A word of warning to anybody who is thinking of buying a Skycig,

    Learn by my mistakes and research properly and you will see that there is much better on the market, and save yourself the 100 quid i forked out!!

    So pack turned up 4 days after i ordered – pack looked really nice battery had some life in it, put together took a drag and thought brilliant, this is the best 20 quid ive ever spent (used Sun discount)

    anyhow a week later i couldnt of been any more wrong.

    i will sumarise the problems that i have found with the Skycig;

    One of the original batteries that came with starter kit was dud – tried getting a replacement off the website but the customer service was so poor i gave up in the end and threw it away.
    I was going through about 5 charged batteries a day (one battery was lasting me a bout 50 drags)
    the two extra batteries i ordered both were faulty (these were £12 a go) – one had no led light and the other would work sometimes and othertimes not.
    Carts to expensive- i would be lucky to get a day out of one of them and at 2 quid a go it was cheaper to go back to smoking roll ups and also there is a 3 to 4 day delivery wait!
    ive read people say that it was cheaper than “proper” ciggies which i cant agree with.

    so all in all the skycig introduced me to the vaping world which i suppose i will be internally thankful for as i now know what i can get on the market, but in my honest opinion if i was started out again theres no way i would buy this! would get an Ego/Vgo straight away and save myself 100 quid and lots and lots of battery frustrations!!!!

  92. I have this and the greensmoke and you really do get what u pay for. I only got this as i saw a promo code in the sun to get it for £15 including postage. The cherry flavour is nice but apart from that the greensmoke wins in every aspect. It’s also so noisy when taking a drag. I’ll stick to my greensmoke from now on

  93. Avoid, what a complete rip off!taste nothing like cigarettes, horrid after taste that stays with you for several hours. Now if you go for an offer, 30 day money back, this is laughable as it will cost you more to send back than it did to initially trial. Small print: refunded portion of your original purchase price. Note the word Portion, you also foot the return postage cost, and then, £10 restock fee? how can they restock an item that has been used/trialled ?

  94. Wow, I tried this product at a friends party and decided straight away after trying a few others at that same party, this was the ecig for me.

    I only smoke when drinking so a full pack of cartridges will last me some time.

    2 days to deliver the product an hour max to charge the pcc for the first time and only a few mins to charge the battery then you’re away!

    Recommended this to friends and they have subsequently bought it and are very happy indeed.

  95. The Benefit:

    Firstly I haven’t smoked real cigarettes in over a month thanks to this product (it could have been another product but mine happened to be this). I used to smoke around 10 roll ups a day and although my habit has been for 20 years, I have flirted with wanting to quit for many years but never seemed like it would ever happen. My wife then presented me with SKYCIG and I began using this sceptically but realised I could get the enjoyment out of this and stop the real thing.

    The Reality:

    After having used SkyCig for over a month my initial enjoyment has been slightly reduced by my own understanding of what is available on the market for products that would suit my own needs.

    I do not like the fact that I have to keep on switching between batteries throughout the day as I have been doing so since using SKYCIG. If you are an occasional smoker then I think this wouldn’t bother you as you wouldn’t be using this as much. Also the charger box that charges the batteries takes a long time to be charged itself, so if I forget to charge it overnight I am left slightly irritated having to wait a few hours during the day before I can use SKYCIG again.

    The cartomisers are very nice in flavour, I have used the sweeter flavours in an attempt to disassociate myself from tobacco flavours and it feels like I am smoking a mini hubly bubbly/shisha when I use the cinammon, vanilla and cherry flavours.

    What is not great about them is the price and the amount of time they last for me. I find that each cartomisers lasts me around a day and so the costs of using SKYCIG every month is actually more expensive than my habit using rollups!


    I have replaced one habit with another and this must not be forgotten but I hope my health in the longrun will have improved and I can thank SKYCIG for allowing me to quit the real thing.

    I don’t think this will be for me in the near future as I have researched other products that give me a longer battery life and cheaper flavours (liquids) that will suit my habit better than what SKYCIG can currently offer for me.

  96. This is a very slickly presented product and looks a quality item. Unfortunately it gets a thumbs down from me on three counts:
    1) The concept of charging the pack so that you can then charge the batteries seems like a good one, but the reality is that it takes 3-4 hours to charge the pack, which then only charges the batteries twice each, and this takes about an hour, so if you misjudge it, it can be 5 hours before you can start to ‘smoke’ again.
    2) the batteries run out very quickly. The literature states 100 puffs, but ! can only get 70-80 puffs before they are flat.
    3) the refills are supposed to last 300 puffs and are supposedly equivalent to 30 cigarettes, but I was a 20 a day smoker and a cartridge doesn’t last me for a whole day.

    Yes, it has helped stop me smoking but I find it very inconvenient with all the fiddly repeated charging of the case and batteries.

  97. SKYCIG is a fantastic introduction to vaping but not the final solution. I love the differant flavours available but most cartomisers simply do not last the stated 20 cigarette comparison. Some will turn to a burnt plastic taste in no time at all. These results make them more expensive that tobacco smoking.
    The charging cassette is a great idea but you will end up charging the batteries 2-3 times a day even for a 5-10 a day smoker.
    Delivery takes 3 days but orders online can be a problem. I ordered 2 low nicotine flavours and got 1 medium and 1 bold!

  98. I bought it for my Mother and I and we are both very pleased with the product although we haven’t been using it for a long time, so far so good! I felt a little concerned at the negative comments on the length of time per cartomizer but my aim is to reduce anyway and it’s silly to see people say that it’s cheaper to smoke real ones. These things are going to save lives people!

    Skycigs are top quality, decently priced and a pleasure to smoke. The health benefits in switching to these e-cigs are going to be the ultimate decider for those who desire to stop harming their bodies.

    I’d like to try greensmokes one day also. I like smoking so I believe it’s worth checking out a few others when we can afford it and see which one really fits our tastes..

  99. So I bought these on the recommendation of a friend at Christmas time as the starter kit was £39.99 (now £49.99) and when they arrived, I was at first impressed with the overall build quality. This is the first e-cig I have tried and at the start I was impressed with the throat hit and the overall performance of the cartridge, this is until I started using it while I was out having a drink. Obviously you are going to vape more when your drinking and I found it frustrating constantly having to charge the batteries. It was taking on average around 6 hours before the light on the box went out, indicating it was charged so I was having to leave one in the charge each night I went to sleep. Once charged, I was only getting the equivalent of about 4 cigs worth out of it which rendered them useless. As if this wasn’t bad enough, I became hooked on the e-cig and found myself buying more and more cartridges and the price seemed to keep going up each time and I was having to spend over £45 each time just so I didn’t have to pay the rip off postage charge of £3.95 Anyway, the final nail in the coffin was when the price for 1 pack of 5 went up to £10.95 – bear in mind it was £8 for a pack of 5 at xmas! I mailed customer service a couple of times asking why they were now so expensive and why the postage was so expensive and I was given some bull**** excuse that it’s to make the brand better. They claim each cartridge is the equivalent of 20 cigs but in reality it’s more like 4 so forking out £11 for 5 cartridges is actually more expensive than buying a pack of 20 cigarettes so I refused to buy them again. Suffice to say, i went on to nicorettes after this and haven’t had a cigarette in over 6 months.
    As far as SkyCig goes, I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone.

  100. I ordered my kit on recommendation from a friend nearly a fortnight ago now, at first everything was fine, no cigarettes and no feeling the ‘craving’ for one. Then my batteries wouldn’t charge properly and were running out very quickly. This was only after a few days of using it and constantly having to recharge them.

    Skycig replaced the charger and both batteries as they were evidentally faulty, they also sent me 5 cartomisers as a gesture of ‘good will’ in my chosen vanilla flavour. Unfortunately only one of the 5 carts was useable, two tasted burnt, two were not working at all. So thanks for that gesture Skycig. Next my paid for Cinnamon cartomisers arrive…well sorry but I don’t have the mouth of a $5 hooker or a Dyson vacuum cleaner…nothing, unless you suck on this like your life depends on it, comes out of these silver threaded cartomisers. They also get very hot and do naff all with it.

    Now the replacement batteries and charger are doing exactly the same as the previously replaced set, complete waste of my time and money and will not be back to Skycig, nor would I recommend it to anyone.

    Note: I do not work for any company in direct competition with Skycig, I am a smoker wishing to stop/cut down and own my own business as a photographer. I am just a disgruntled Skycig customer!

  101. delivery time of replacement carts takes forever,they tell you to order in advance so you don’t run out but i never thought it would be 3 4 or 5 weeks to get carts to my house.battery life on the sky cig is pathetic,i dont smoke heavy but find myself charging the battery’s up to three times in a hour.i have also found that the sample carts such as the tobacco (T12) ACTUALLY RESTRICTS MY BREATHING IN A WAY THAT I NEED TO BORROW A INHALER TO OPEN UP MY AIR WAVES.please dont buy this product there are plenty more e cigs out there to choose from.the charger has also started making a noise whenever it is plugged in.this product is megga crap dont bother

  102. i ordered my kit and it took 4 weeks to get to me, i was appalled then i ordered 4 packs of bold classic tobacco and 2 spare batterys
    only 1 battery worked and they sent regular packs instead of bold.
    next they took 2 payments out of my bank
    and still under dispute with the company now.
    i wouldnt bother with this company you will be very dissapointed.
    you have been warned.
    on a good not ive not smoked for a month now but will power still helps while waiting for your orders

  103. I was initially impressed with this product when it arrived. The 5 cartridges that came with it lasted me 10 days (I am a light smoker). The refills I ordered were not of the same build quality and didn’t seem to last as long, if they worked at all. After some problems with the battery and contact with cutstomer services I figured out that if I pulled the centre piece of the cartridge out and reconnected it then proper contact was made and it worked properly.

    I also found the cartridges didn’t last as long, no where near as long as the starter pack and are not equivalent to a packet or more of cigarettes, if they are then I am now a 40 day smoker!

    I have seen other products that can be refilled with liquid and work a lot better so I will be switching to one of them very shortly.

    Overall. Worth a go to prove you don’t need cigarettes but in the long term money down the drain for qulaity and value

  104. Cartridges good. Batteries so far seem rubbish (this is an ongoing issues we have with SKyCig). Main issues is I ordered a months worth cartridges for £91.29 but SKyCig took this amount plus an extra 5x the amount out of my account (£456.45 too much). This has left me with no available funds, so can’t pay mortgage or council tax direct debits and can’t get cash out of my account to get to work. Spent best part of this afternoon trying to sort it out with Customer Support Adviser Jen (who gave her permission for me to mention her name and whose final answer was the money SHOULD be back in my account tomorrow – it’s PayPoints fault apparently, not theirs, even though I placed the order on SkyCig website!!!) – when I asked for name of actual manager, was told she couldn’t disclose this information (but couldn’t give me a reason why, nor could she tell my why she hadn’t been able to contact a manager during the course of this issue), and they have no phone number so I can’t even contact a manager directly. I asked if she could get a manager to phone me back but apparently there are “no guarantees”. It is now well after close of business and no manager has called me back, so I guess they all go home at 4pm. Worst customer service I have ever had from an online supplier of goods, especially when it’s a substantial amount of MY money they weren’t authorised to take and that I currently have no access to. This problem should have been passed to a manager from the onset, not dealt with by a supervisor – sorry SkyCig but you’ve really messed this up!!

  105. Great product, I havent had a real fag since February. They changed the refills which now have a silver thread and the throat hit is not the same and I had a problem with them leaking. I was told reverting back to the gold thread on the refill as they were having a problem with them. Next day received a further e-mail to say-it was only the one batch they had a problem with. I was then asked to return faulty refills (which I assume I have to pay for!!). I dont care what anyone says they have changed them and they do not last as long. After sending several e-mails back and forth I am now giving up on the sky-cig. They then took the payment out twice from my account. After all the money I have spent since February I am not a happy customer anymore.

  106. I bought a Skycig pack after failed attempts to quit smoking, and it has for the most part kept me from smoking tobacco (I have done so on a couple of occasions, sometimes the light hit you get from the Ecig just isn’t enough compared to the real thing).

    My problem with the Skycig is the immense cost.

    I would normally smoke rollies, 5 a day max. This would set me back maybe £10-20 a month for tobacco, papers and filters.

    I have so far spent over £100 on the Skycig pack, two extra batteries, a usb charger and 5 packs of refills. It has been less than a month since my first purchase.

    The cartomizers last no time at all (They claim to be the equivalent of a pack, more like 2 cigarettes per cartomizer) and cost £1.79 each assuming you buy at least 4 packs of 5 (£8.95 per pack).

    The plus to smoking these instead of tobacco is I do feel alot healthier, but I don’t know that I’m going to purchase any more refills as I just can’t justify the extravagant cost. The Skycig website claims that they are 70% cheaper than buying a regular pack of cigarettes. Even if I were smoking straights, I find this a ludicrous claim to make.

    All in all, if you’ve got money to spare and want to stop smoking, it’s not a bad product. It’s definitely not worth the cost in my opinion though.

  107. this is my 2nd review. i have been on the skycig for a couple of months now. i was totally happy at the start, as you can see from my last review, then i experienced some problems….but can i just say a big thankyou to customer support, for the excellent service i received, to resolve my issues. everything was done quickly, efficiently and professionally. i will still recommend this product to anyone who wants to listen. i have been off the ciggies since the 16th of january after smoking for 32 years! good job to all at skycig. this is definitely one happy customer

  108. Smashing product for those who want to stop but cant do without the “ciggie feel”
    I had a £900 a year habit now I reckon £400 will cover my new habit.
    My health has changed dramatically for the good.

    Getting sick of explaining how they work and ordering starter kits for friends !!

    Skycig just need to improve the time the flavour lasts. Vanilla is my favourite……it also satisfies a sweet tooth.

  109. Not to labour on about abysmal customer services. I didn’t like the two pack extra batteries I bought because they don’t hold a charge and even if I charge them that day, they lose there charge by the time I need to change.

    Worst complaint, and I am veering towards the scam definition here. The cartomisers in my starter pack easily lasted me up to two days so 30 cigs according to skycigs claim of which would fit wth my 15 a day habit.. When I ordered my first set of refill cartomisers, they too lasted well.. However, my last three boxes have lasted about 5 cigs each. Including P &P this makes them more expensive than the equivalent packs of cigs 5 cigs x 20 packs = 100 cigs or £33.50. Compare this to 3 packs of cartomiser refills + P & P £29.85. which equates at 5 cigs per cartomiser = 75 cigs.

    Furthermore, one of the boxes on opening showed clear signs of leakage of the liquid nicotine. I emailed skycig. I was told “Nine times out of ten, after a small leak the Cartridges are not damaged and are perfectly fit for use. All you need to do is clean off any excess wetness you can feel on the exterior and the screw in attachment at the bottom and use the dry Cartridge as normal.”. So what about all the nicotine that should be in the cartomiser but has now leaked. Even less nicotine in the cartomizer then.

    When I say I am veering towards ‘scam’ I have contactd my local Trading Standards who will test the cartomiser for me to calculate the amount of nicotine in it.

    I am so disappointed, I have cancer and must now stop smoking, I thought I had found something that would lengthen my life. Now I’ll be back to the local market where the e cigs they sell have no CE or kite mark but if I think I am being ripped off, he is standing right in front of me – when one of his packs of refills leaked he changd it on the spot. Go ahead, sue me. Good luck to you. If you can find any assets you are welcome to them. Anyway I’ll probably be dead by the time it goes to court.

  110. i do enjoy smoking as such/but not what gos with it so decided to try these, i l;ike the case/charger but find thecartomisers/refills /replacement cigarette whatever dont last long, i usually smoke about 15 a day, but with the life of these it would be too expensive to continue, theres no way one of these is equilavent to a pack of 20 so i dont think i will be continuing with them, although i would like to, however mentioned to one of my close friends who has no pc but seems interested, and may treat him for his birthday next month, with a starter pack, would like to say delivery was as you said, yours b foster

  111. Hi Folks, Chelsey from SKYCIG Support here.

    Just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback with regards to SKYCIG – we’re happy to see that people are continuing to make the switch to electronic cigarettes and are enjoying the SKYCIG experience!

    We are continuing to make improvements with our Customer Support department and are now offering a call back service. Just drop us an email with your phone number and a brief comment about the nature of the query and we will be in touch.

    We are always keen to hear feedback from our customers with regards to the operation of the SKYCIG or for flavour suggestions that they’d like to see us bring to the range.

    If anyone has any further questions about issues raised in this thread please get in touch with us through support so that we can resolve any issues you may have as soon as possible.

  112. The order arrived quickly and so did my refills. No complaints there. I was a 20 a day smoker and enjoyed it but resented the money. This is the next best thing and really feels like I have had a cigarette it’s great not having to go out in the cold and rain and I have noticed I’m slowly cutting down on the times I use it.

  113. ive put 1 for customer servise cause ive never contacted them but i do get emails saying they have improved it and they are creating new flavours but i iam very impressed with what i got, you get 5 flavours to try there all good except the vanilla i dont see the point in that 1 but what ever floats your boat

  114. I have just ordered my last lot of skycig cartomisers. Am fed up with constant flat batteries and cartomisers that last half a day (not a heavy smoker) Im off to Liberro. Great prices. Telephone contact and online live chat.

  115. Order arrive at good speed and impressed with the package. The general thought is to try and give an honest try. Pluses are the recharge via USB I like a lot, on the dislike is either I need to puff 2/3 times to feeI can inhale and think I am smoking a normal cig, so the claim that each refill is a packet of cigs means that I am wasting 2/3rds. I keep the battery charged and no flashing end light to say using too quickly. I will order a refill at the max strength as I have smoked for 40 years. Overall not a bad product to help change smoking habit and possibly cut down or stop. John

  116. U have still got to want 2 stop smoking if u dont want to stop then dont waste your money and time!! First day use a patch with the skycig then after that its all good!!!

  117. So to wrap up. Nice assembled product and good vapour/ throat hit with tobacco flavours, menthol is yummy too. Not keen on vanilla or cherry, but that’s just me liking tobacco! Have used for 3 months now and it’s all good. Just remember to pop case on charge when you have your morning coffee and you’re good to go. Am going to invest in USB charger and another battery as it would be nice to charge individual battery when at computer that way I wont need to keep charging the case. Customer service (E.mail) were brilliant and quick to respond when I thought I had faulty PCC, felt a bit foolish when found out it was fully charged straight out of the box !! Got my kit 3 days after ordering and after 35 years on 20+ roll ups a day I haven’t smoked since. Well just one after using skycig for a week and it tasted foul. And no, I don’t work for skycig! 😉

  118. I have tried so many times in the past to stop smoking. Every product was used and discarded. I actually enjoyed smoking, but wasn’t keen on the smell, the cost or the health problems. Due to rising prices, i had to make the decision to stop…again. Stayed off the cigs for a while, but knowing my pattern of looking for the habit i decided to opt for the electronic cig. Think i checked out reviews for every one on the market, before deciding to try Skycig.

    And for me it was the best decision i’ve made. i placed my order on a friday night, which is not the best time to order, but received my 1st kit on the wed, which i thought was pretty good going. tried to charge the case up and found it was already done. big plus point, the batteries were also ready to use, which meant i didnt need to wait to try it out.

    all good so far. i have been using the skycig for nearly a month now, and i would highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to change to the healthier option of smoking.

    ordered a 2nd kit for my boyfriend on a tuesday night, and received it on the friday. fantastic delivery speeds. not had any problems so far,
    i will continue to order cartomisers, and also to recommend this product to others. i cant fault them and hopefully the good service will continue.

    and lastly? i have not even contemplated reaching for a real cigarette in 13 weeks

  119. I am a new e cig user and 2 wks ago bought the wicked tornado tank starter kit after stumbling across one of thier retail outlets and never tried an e cig until then.
    I was a light smoker only smoking 5-10 a day and enjoyed smoking but hated the rising costs and failed to give up using patches or plastic nicorete substitutes in the past.
    One try of the wicked unit and I was sold as it was so realistic – I have been happily using the tank system since and praising the marvels of it to my smoker friends – the only problem I’ve had was refilling the cartridge unit with the liquid which went all over my hands after trying to get the plastic stopper off the refil unit.
    I had only tried the tobacco flavour so when I’ve seen the offer for this sky cig kit I jumped at the chance to try out an easier kit and the sample flavours are a great idea.
    I ordered my unit on the Saturday and recieved it this morning so 10 day wait but after setting up the kit so well worth it !
    I have put the menthol cartridge on first and prefer it already to the tornado tank for many reasons, the unit looks more like a ciggie although mine has a blue tip when lit ! And I love the storage ciggie packet style to put all the carts and battery units in.
    Looking forward to trying the cherry flavour next but the menthol flavour is very impressive to compare to the few menthol ciggies I have had in the past.
    So no more liquid leaks hopefully for me (or broken nails trying to flick off the plastic lid on the tank system) and sky hopefully will continue with a good service when I order my replacements 🙂

  120. Smoked around 15 a day for the past 8 years. Tried to quit using patches etc, but nothing ever worked. Got turned onto SKYCIG by a mate who let me have a go and decided to give it a bash.

    Staff helped me with some questions I had before I placed the order. Kit arrived quickly and was sent with a tracking number.

    Hope that they bring in some new flavours soon – wasn’t too keen on the Vanilla one but loving the Cinammon at the moment. Never was keen on real menthol fags but the flavour is quite nice on these.

    Have been letting all my mates have a go and think they’re all quite keen to ditch the fags and switch to ecigs.

  121. I ordered 2 starter packs and refills just before the Easter holidays and they arrived 2 days later, which after reading some of the above reviews was a surprise. Unfortunately it appeared that the Royal Mail kindly offered to test out one of the packs for me and consequently I only received 1 starter pack. I emailed support on the delivery day (Saturday) and received a mail back immediately apologising and offering a replacement. The replacement was held up slightly by the Bank Holidays but as promised the replacement duly arrived. They could not have done anymore so well done fro customer support.

    As for the SkyCig itself the Tobacco flavour is slightly harsh for my taste and hits the back of my throat, the menthol is the milder and probably the one I will go with. The batteries could do with lasting longer but that would then mean a larger cigarette so a trade off is always going to happen

    All in all I am happy with the product and the customer service.

  122. Just got my starter pack – earlier than I expected. It’s up to me now – have read reviews etc. Find it strange not reaching for an ashtray!! Wish me luck xx

  123. i ordered my sky cig on the 17/3/12 and received it on the 20/3/12 so as for delivery and speed i cant fault them in any way shape or form, as for the flavours they have i loved the menthol and the cherry ones but the tobacco taste nothing like a normal cigarette, the closest thing i can alike them to is coffee?!?!? Sadly tho there is not enough choice in flavours for me and as i have just found my town has a dedicated shop for us avid vapers i found myself boiling the carts and adding my own flavours (which in all honesty is a pain and takes forever) id be much happier if i could just buy a pack of blank carts and fill them with the strange and wonderful flavours I’ve recently been enjoying, I mean is it that hard to sell a pack of blanks for say £5 that way they may find more people buying them as either there standard e-cig or as a backup for nights out where you don’t want to look like your using a mini bong in the middle of a pub/club (and yes my friends who have things like the screwdriver and the tornado etc and have had to spend 10 mins explaining to bouncers that they are not doing drugs in the middle of the club)

    • I know what you mean about the coffee flavour tobacco taste, i got used to it after a while though!

      If you are looking for refillable carts then take a look at Jacvapour (review: They sell pre-filled, empty carts and e-liquid so you get the choice. batteries are good as are the tobacco flavours 🙂

  124. Reading the reviews I may be one of the lucky ones. ordered starter kit and 1 pack of refills on Sunday 26/03/12 and arrived 29/03/12. did not start using till today, Friday 30/03/12. was so impressed that I have ordered another starter pack for my wife and three sets of cartridges. Have not picked up a real cigarette all day. This is a good product. and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get off real cigs. As long as delivery is on time I will continue to use this product. will post again if I have any delivery or customer service issues All in all so far has ticked all the boxes for me.

  125. Hi Foks,

    Patrick from SKYCIG Support here. Just wanted to say thank you for the review at the top of this thread and all of your comments and feedback. We have had a few issues with Shipping and Support in the past which prompted a massive overhaul of our Shipping and Customer Support departments. We are also (as it says in the update) going to have telephone support in the next coming weeks and are currently able to call you if you are experiencing a issue that cannot be resolved over email.

    If anyone has any further questions or queries about issues raised in this thread or any others that they may have seen please get in touch through support. I will also be looking in on here every so often and will attempt to answer any questions that you might have.

    I also noticed that is a reply option on this forum in your comments, whilst I understand that some of the above posters may not wish for a reply and feel their matter is closed if any of you would like a reply I would be more than happy to discuss any outstanding issues that you may have and to do whatever I can to resolve these.

    I can only apologise sincerely for any of the above mentioned failings on our part, we take full responsibility for this and hope that the reassurances we have made about current and upcoming improvements may help to set your minds at ease.

    As a company we are now putting in all possible resources to attain the highest possible standards in every area from Support to Shipping and hope that the efforts we make here will soon become apparent for the benefit of all of our customers.
    Again if there is anything that we can help with please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support

  126. My initial two Batteries failed, they where replaced by two extended ones ( blue tipped ) which I do not like plus they do not fit the Case, unfortunately when carrying the case the lid broke due to nut being able to close correctly.
    Have been trying to resolve these issues with no joy as yet

  127. One of the two batteries in my new starter kit failed to work from the outset. I returned it. Over a week has gone by since Skcig received it. Nothing. You can’t speak to anyone, just email them and then wait… It’s a shame as the vapor and flavours are very good. The battery performance is extremely poor so it’s pretty essential to have a spare ready and charged up. I would not recommend this product. There are better, more robust models on the market who truly offer a decent after sales service.

  128. I have bought a V2 on all fronts the V2 Ecig wins hands down….flavour, taste, vapour and the endless options…money well spent!

    All SKY care about is your money nothing else, please look at the product range available at V2 website, plus check out youtube for vapir production and flavour tests by real people not the SKY-ECIG(Blu-ECIG marketing rubbish and hype.

    Bottom line Guys and Girls, my email thread with the SKY company.

    Email thread with SKY E-CIG


    The order was reshipped. The new order ID is #67171.

    On 22 February 2012 07:09,
    Any further news???

    Sent: 21 February 2012 11:43

    To: ‘SKYCIG Support’
    Subject: RE: Order update.

    Hi Sheryl,

    Thanks for getting back to me….

    From: SKYCIG Support []
    Sent: 20 February 2012 17:11

    Subject: Re: Order update.


    I truly apologize for the inconvenience. We’re checking this out with Royal Mail. Kindly reconfirm your complete shipping address in case of loss and we have to reship.

    Thank you,

    On 20 February 2012 23:43,
    Hi Sheryl,

    Royal Mail state quite clearly there has been no collection from your company, some is lying to me and this is shocking to be treated like this.

    I have been nothing but fair with all email correspondence and end up getting treated like this!!!

    Can you please escalate this…..


    From: SKYCIG Support []
    Sent: 20 February 2012 15:10

    Subject: Re: Order update.

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you for the email and I do apologize for the inconvenience. Royal Mail’s website may not have updated, thus the same message appears. Kindly give them a call at 08457 740 740 to further check on the status of your parcel and let us know of the result.

    Kind Regards,

    On 20 February 2012 18:00,
    Hi Sheryl,

    I got the email tracker conformation FF346391782GB

    An keep getting this error message………..

    The sender has advised us that item FF346391782GB will be posted into the Royal Mail network on the 2012-02-16, I’ve tried since the 16th and keep getting the same error, according to royal mail it is not in there system yet, so the question is why have I been dispatched a code without the product?? This is pointless……

    Really starting to get frustrated……..

    Really disappointed SKY CIG customer.

    Sent: 15 February 2012 12:02
    To: ‘SKYCIG Support’
    Subject: RE: Order update.

    Hi Sheryl,

    Many thanks for this response!!!

    No worries from me! Stuff happens!!!

    Have a nice day Sheryl.


    From: SKYCIG Support []
    Sent: 15 February 2012 11:32

    Subject: Re: Order update.

    Hi Peter,

    I am truly sorry that you are experiencing a delay in receiving your SKYCIG order. Unfortunately your order has been delayed due to a logistics issue that has caused us to be temporarily out of stock. This issue is currently being rectified and we are working to get all our back orders sent out as soon as possible.

    Once your order is shipped, you will receive a dispatch email confirming this. I understand that this is an unreasonable delay and that it must be very frustrating. I can only apologise and assure you that your order will be sent first class and we will get it to you as soon as we possibly can.

    Unfortunately these circumstances were beyond our control, and I cannot apologise enough the inconvenience that I’m sure this must have caused you. Please let me promise that we are doing all that we can and have all hands on deck to get us back running smoothly and your order in your hands in the quickest possible time.

    We are hoping for your continued patience and understanding.

    Kind Regards,

    On 14 February 2012 18:09,
    Order Information
    Order Number: 00062181
    Order Date: Tuesday, 07 February 2012 14:58
    Order Status: Confirmed

    Hi Guys/Girls,

    Please can I get an updated on this order?????


    Please pass on the good or bad news!!!!

    The future is bright the future is V2.

  129. Since I got my skycig I haven.t had any cravings for normal cigarettes and the charging case means you don’t have to worry because you can charge batteried and carry spare refils in a case the size of a fag packet which is something we’ve all managed to carry for years!

  130. look else where huge price hike ,gone from 8.50 to 10.. pound ,3 weeks plus for delivery ,poor batteries, ordered two new neither worked from day one ,the norm start selling at decent price the jack price up knowing that if you change brands you will have the start up price to pay again

  131. on the whole great product been using e cigs for over 2 years and have tried alot of different ones but sky cig is the best one at the moment not problems with dilvery at all in fact the last couple have been quicker since there changes.The battery is the only down side still good but does not last as long as i would like maybe introducing a longer battery with more power would be good for the heavy egig user carts are brill and taste great finally really pleased would recommand it big time.

  132. Has stopped me smoking for the first time in my life.
    Was feeling brilliant about the whole situation until my last delivery of suspect cartomisers with only half life at best????

  133. I’ve smoked about 15 cigs a day for 30 years and thought it was about time i had a go at giving up. I tried the E-LITES about a week ago and although i cut down I wasn’t impressed by the flavour of them ( a bit plasticy ). After reading some good reviews about Skycig I bought a couple of batteries and a pack of the Classic Tobacco cartomizers. I have to say that I am impressed a lot more with the taste of these and that for me is the first BIG obstacle manufacturers have to address to convince smokers to switch to electronic cigs. It is the closest I , in my limited experience admittedly , have come to the real thing so I can’t see any reason for trying something else yet. After passing the taste test the next thing that will take getting used to is HOW you smoke them ! When you have a smoke it , you stub it out and have another when you feel the need..simple. With these they are ‘always on’ so to speak so I find at the moment at least I am having a ‘ continuous’ smoke ! Whether this will revert to a normal pattern of smoking I don’t know but at least I know it is healthier ! They should make one that allows you about 15 puffs and then somehow switches off for a bit signalling the end of your fag.
    As for the product itself I think it is very good. The size of it is close to that of a real cig which is a bonus and it has a RED light at the tip ( can’t for the life of me understand why some e-cigs have Green Lights on the tips…a real turn off in my book and totally defeats the intention of a ‘realistic smoking experience’ ) . The vapour it gives off when you smoke it is very realistic and a good quantity and the ‘ HIT ‘ when you draw on the cig is very close to that of a normal cigarette so another obstacle overcome in my view. There is also if you listen closely a little fizzle effect like something burning which is clever. The only thing I was surprised about is that the battery didn’t last too long and had to be recharged after a few hours but I’m not sure whether this was due to the way I was smoking the Skycig. Having said that it only took half an hour to charge up again so it isn’t a major issue in my book and let’s face it , if it helps you to stop smoking the weed then little things like that don’t matter do they?. I cannot comment on the special starter pack they do because I opted to but the basic cig and charger as it was cheaper to do so and I didn’t want to ‘waste’ 50 quid ! Having now tried them I would not have been disappointed so I may now get the pack and wall charger and stuff. I won’t be going for the different flavours though as to be honest I don’t really see the point myself. Some people will though and that’s good as it is all down to preference but I will stick to the classic tobacco and possibly try the marlboro.
    I have seen some of the reviews on here about the bad service…all I can say on that is that I ordered mine on Thursday 1/3/12 and it arrived on Monday 5/3/12 which is pretty good. I’ll see what it’s like when i order some more cartridges!
    All in all I would reccommend the SKYCIG to anyone trying to give up as,for me, it passes the First and most important test of ANY E-cig…IT TASTES OK ! The rest of it is down to your personal choice.

  134. I’ve been smoking since I was 15(I’m 48),and I don’t remember ever having a day without a fag.
    Since getting the Sky Cig I’ve been fag free!!!
    I smoked non tipped rollups,so something must be right with them.

  135. Loved the product, it’s the closest I’ve come to smoking a real cigarette.
    Great taste & good vapour, I havn’t had it long enough to comment on battery or cartomiser life but initial opinion on this is good.
    The big problem is that Sky do not seem able to keep up with demand for it’s product. I patiently waited for my starter kit to be delivered (took 10 days) as they had warned me that it could take that long due to exceptionally high demand. Almost immediately after I had received the kit I bulk ordered some replacement tobacco cartomisers – still waiting for delivery. I have contacted customer support via email (no telephones allowed !!!) on a number of occasions who could only advise that they were out of stock 0f tobacco cartomisers and would fill my order as soon as they could. I asked if they had any cartomisers (any flavour/any strength )in stock and they told me that the only cartomiser not currently available was the tobacco one that I had ordered. As they could not give me a reliable delivery date I placed a 2nd order for cherry flavoured cartomisers and asked them to ship as a matter of urgency – offered to pay all additional shipping charges – Still waiting!!!
    Sky have a great product but they will not see it’s full potential in the UK. as their customer support and inventory control systems are not capable of keeping pace with demand. Great pity!!

  136. I ordered and paid for my trial pack at the beginning of January 2012 and when it hadn’t arrived after about 10 days I contacted customer services. I had to look for the delivery information and ended up telling THEM that the item had been delivered to the wrong address. After being questioned about whether I lived or knew that address (I don’t on both counts) they said they would send out a new kit.
    On 5 February 2012 I received an email including the following statement – ” I am truly sorry that you are experiencing a delay in receiving your SKYCIG order. Unfortunately, your order has been delayed due to a logistics issue that has caused us to be temporarily out of stock. This issue is currently being rectified and I expect your order to be dispatched to you next week.”
    I have still not received the item!
    On 22 February 2012 I sent another email informing customer services that the item had not arrived and that I would like a full refund. As yet I have not received a reply. Not even an automated one that acknowledges receipt of my email.
    Not at all happy about all this.

  137. I realy dont want to stop smoking as it is a great stress releiver for me. Using Sky cig instead of the real thing is the perfect substitute. Fingers crossed I will never touch a real cig again. my partner thinks it is brilliant.

  138. The product is great I love it. The supply is the worsest ever. Starter packs do arrive, we purchased 4 so far and had no problem with that. If you want refills or batteries thats the bad thing it seems.
    You do receive shipping confirmations but now after 4 weeks, still no shipment. They charge shipping but do not give you a tracking number. If you email support they tell you it is strange that there is no tracking number in the system. Of course there isn’t guys, you never shipped.
    Well, at the moment I really do not know what to do. As much as I like skycig they don’t seem to work for me if I have weeks where I have to smoke normal cigarettes since I do not get curtomizers. I do not want that.
    That is not the first time either. We needed new batteries before which took ages to arrive.

  139. Ordered my starter kit on Wed 25/1/12 delivered on the Saturday. Was given a Royal Mail tracking number so I could track it.
    Have not smoked a proper cig since. Follow-up order went fine too. Ordered 3 packs of carts on Wed 8/2/12 delivered on the Friday (again was given a tracking number).
    So all in all my experience of Skycig is a positive one.

  140. No stock but took my money…….

    Placed the order for a starter kit and they took the money immediately. After 5 days emailed to find out what was happening with the order. 2 days later got an email say they were out of stock.
    I replied to say I was cancelling the order and they should return my money. 22 days later and several emails they still have not refunded my money. I have registered a complaint against them with my credit card company.
    They do not have a phone number so you can only contact via email.

  141. THis product has not changed my smoking habits as I have swapped one for the other, however, Im saving money, smoking in places where the ban stops me, my home is smelling better with only one smoker, but Im working on that by buying my wife a starter kit. Get yourself into a rountine to charge the batterys and charger and you can enjoy this product with ease. Go for it what have you got to lose?

  142. I ordered the starter kit 10 days ago and it has just arrived safetly. When placing the order it did state that due to demand there would be a 10 -15 day delay, so they have been fair.

    To those above, do not give up hope!

    Will report back when I have had a chance to try the product

  143. i ordered the product. over 2 weeks ago and still no goods. £58 down the drain. they have responded to my many angry emails with your order will be with you on friday which comes and goes and no order. i have requested a refund based on their site claims that orders are shipped 1st class within 48hrs. they havnt responded-i have no refund or sky cigs. just £58 poorer-total rip off!!!” no phone number to contact sky cigs-i wonder why!

    • Hi all – this is Damien Scott, the Operations Manager from SKYCIG. Thank you for your patience on your recent orders. Over the last few years we have maintained a reputation of efficient shipping standards and the top quality product on the European market. As noted when you ordered your kit, we were experiencing a surge in demand and noted that it may take 8 additional days to dispatch you order.

      By now, all of your kits should have arrived or are in transit, as the last of the backorders went out yesterday 17/2/12. In addition, our customer service team should have been in constant contact with you regarding the status of your order. Again, thanks for your patience and feel free to contact us with any of your needs and/or questions.

  144. I ordered my sky cig 10 days ago and still haven’t received it.

    If you have a question there is no one to call and it takes them a further 2 days to reply to an email.

    I have been informed that my sky cig has been shipped and given a tracking number, but when you enter the tracking number into total mail, it says they have been advised by the sender that they will receive it on 10/2/12. It is now the 11th and still not showing.

    I just don’t think that these will be a reliable company when ordering refills etc. as if it takes this long again I’ll just end up smoking real cigs again!

    I will be returning this and ordering a Vape Stick.

    I have no idea how long it’ll take for a refund. Could be weeks.


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